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Saturday, February 07, 2009


At the very least Obama has been derelict in his sworn duty to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

FACT ONE: In a brazen and unprecedented move, Obama seized control of the U.S. Census, placing it under the White House rather than the Department of Commerce.

FACT TWO: When the first Census was taken after the Revolutionary War, Thomas Jefferson specified that the process should be kept out of partisan hands.

FACT THREE: In spite of the fact that the U.S. Census Bureau is automatically funded, Obama included an extra billion dollars for the census in the 'economic stimulus package.'

FACT FOUR: With Obama's connection to the fraudulent 'voter registration' group ACORN and his new-found power over the census, he can now totally skew the process, engaging in gerrymandering and gaming the system, in order to position Democrats to be elected for generations to come.

Even the seal of the U.S. Census Bureau places the process under the Department of Commerce in order to keep the process out of politically-influenced hands.

The million-dollar-question is, why would Obama suddenly want the census under the control of the White House for the very first time in American history? Why is it suddenly so important for someone at the White House (Rahm Emanuel specifically) to have direct oversight of the process?

If it takes you too long to answer these questions, then you are oblivious to the obvious.

Read this entire in-depth report on the Obama shenanigans on the census here. And then scream bloody murder. This is Chicago-styled political thuggery at its worst.

And, the President may be in fact guilty of treason if this decision is allowed.


Anonymous said...

Your question. (para)

"Has Obama Just Committed Treason?"

Is silly.

One must be a citizen of a Nation to commit treason..

The question of his citizenship is still being adjudicated and no evidence that he is a citizen has been accepted as fact in any US court to date now has it?

See how silly you are?


Welshman said...

Silly me. I forgot about the citizenship thing...which nobody seems interested in since the Messiah has come...

pops1911 said...

Impeach him now - before he f_cks up anything more!!!! Eligible for his office or not - treason is punishible by execution! No matter what your allegiance is.

Just a ststement of fact, not a threat of course.

Anonymous said...

you idiots!

the question of his citizenship is not in question..

you must be thinking of 'natural born citizen'... which is still bs

if he was born abroad to his citizen mother....he is not a citizen how?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you're the idiot. I mean, srsly, what kind of stupid name is "Anonymous" anyway LOL!

Don't you get it!? Barack's middle name is Hussein! Ergo, he's a terrorist implant! Just look at the name "Barack". If you remove the B and the K, and you change the letter C to the letter B, you get ARAB!!!! PROOF!!

Now Rush Limbaugh, that's an American name! I mean, what sounds cooler than RUSH! As in, I just got my daily RUSH of heroin...or I just RUSHed to the hospital after being clawed by a polar bear while clubbing baby seals!

Well, Anonymous, have fun supporting President Messiah Hussein bARABck Osama Bin Laden Obama while he guides America to Liberal Socialist Communist Frenchyfrench Stalin-worshipping hell!!