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Sunday, February 08, 2009

'Compromise' Economic Bill? What Compromise!?

In what is being referred to by Democrats, the Obama White House, and 3 liberal Republicans as a 'compromise economic stimulus bill,' the monstrosity still costs nearly a trillion dollars.

The original proposal would have cost 1.3 trillion. The new bill hammered out by Democrats and 3 turncoat liberal Republicans is 'only' 3 quarters of a trillion.

Wow. We sure did put our heads together to save some bucks, didn't we!

To paraphrases former GOP Senator Everette Dirkson back in the 60s as he decried the runaway spending of Democrats, 'A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money.'

Listen, you moronic dimwits in Congress. You don't help the economy and the taxpayers by shaving off a few bucks from a massive spending bill that remains massive even after you get through making a few cosmetic cuts.

This 'stimulus package' is still nothing more than a socialist program initiated by Socialists to make America more socialistic. And let's not forget the massive amount of pork spending in the bill that will go to pet projects of liberals, the goal of which is to get them re-elected in 2010 and 2012.

I would flip the entire lot the bird, but I'm afraid I might get jailed and charged with a felony in this post-liberty era we refer to as Commie-America.

Read the entire sickening story here. (H/t to Matt Drudge).

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