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Saturday, January 03, 2009

Suddenly, It's All About Race

According to CNN, Senate Democrats have a plan in the event Roland Burris shows up to take Obama's vacant seat. They plan to block him from entering the chamber.

And this has been the buzz around Washington since scandal-ridden Governor Rod Blagojevich appointed Burris as Obama's replacement.

The Democrats in the Senate don't want the appearance of corruption by allowing a man appointed by a Governor under federal indictment to take a Senate seat that the Governor allegedly attempted to sell.

But another major problem has surfaced that may be even more problematic for the Democrats. Burris would be the only Black Senator in the chamber. And his proponents have already begun spinning the issue to make it all about race.

Senate Democrats don't want to appear racist by refusing a seat to the Senate's only black member.

So, it all comes down to this. What a travesty.

Illinois should conduct a special election for the Senate seat. This is the only fair way to determine who serves in the seat vacated by Barack Obama.


10ksnooker said...

is Democrat Bull Connor when you need him?

Welshman said...

The Democrats don't need Bull Connor...they've already got Senator Robert 'Sheets' Byrd.

Sentenza said...

Harry Reid wants one of two less qualified white people instead of one of the three more qualified black people.

John R said...

The best way to "fix" this system would be to repeal the 17th Amendment and return the selection of Senators to state legislators. Representatives in the House are supposed to represent the people, Senators are supposed to represent the States. The 17th Amendment was a huge blow to states rights.

Welshman said...


I was wondering if someone would bring that up.

I agree, it was a good system, but I doubt in today's society it would have a snowball's chance.

We are having to fight as it is to keep the Electoral College. People today have this strange notion that only direct democracy is the way to go (majority rule), not realizing that if we do that, then ALL of our rights, including Civil Rights won for blacks, would be endangered.