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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 1/6/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

2AMusing provides a good read today on the relentless growth of big government and the impending loss of our Constitutional Republic.

Texas Fred has the scoop on the big flap on Capitol Hill today, where Senate Democrats refused to seat Roland Burris as Barack Obama's replacement.

Mike McCarville reports that the economic downturn that has effected newspapers all across the country has now hit a major newspaper in Oklahoma.

The Rustmeister reminds us that it's time to act to oppose the Holder nomination.

Gun Law News shares with us what the Firearms Coalition is doing to stop Holder from becoming AG.

Gun Rights Examiner posts Codrea's 'How to Hold Holder Without Using Guns.'

Codrea's War on Guns updates us on the RNC Chair debate, and it looks like we got screwed.

Mindful Musings has a must-read entitled 'Waves of 2009.'

Sebastian reports that the Philadelphia Inquirer thinks it's time to get on board with gun rationing. And congrats to Sebastian as he begins his 3rd year of blogging...

Robb Allen has a post entitled, 'Panic at the Gun Disco'--a title that should invite your curiosity.

Walls of the City provides 'More Self-Defense Goodness.' Take a look.

Days of our Trailers posts a letter he wrote to General McCaffrey concerning the notion that guns smuggled from the U.S. into Mexico is fueling their crime problem.

Good news! John Lott reports that after years of suffering in silence as social outcasts, Hollywood conservatives are coming out of the closet and letting their voices be heard. Good!

Nicki has some well-chosen words for Nan Pelosi. The Commissar has rewritten House rules to do away with fairness and completely muzzle Republican representatives.

Tam alerts us to a piece of insider news on Obama and gun bans. Get ready, my's coming.

Ahab says that tonight's edition of Gun Nuts Radio will focus on the subject of 'open carry.' Click on the link for full info.

CarteachO has an interesting post on the 1934 Beretta and hollowpoint ammunition.

Gun Pundit has THE must-read of the week, and it's time to be very very afraid!

Pax Parabellum reports that some shenanigans are going on with the Brady Campaign's Minnesota chapters of the 'Million Moms' with regard to guns. It seems Minnesota has become the Mecca of graft and corruption these days.

Sipsy Street Irregulars posts an intriguing bit of news that while the rest of the country suffers from layoffs and a shrinking job market, the FBI is going on a hiring spree. It seems that the only thing that does well in hard times is 'big gub'ment.'

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