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Monday, January 26, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 1/26/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Western Rifle Shooters Association has the quote of the week to get us started off for a Monday.

From Codrea's War on Guns: 'An Introduction to the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms, 1775.' Be sure to click on both links provided.

Gun Rights Examiner has 3 of Codrea's must-read articles here, here, and here.

Mike McCarville provides an update on the pro-gun Democrat chosen to fill Hillary Clinton's Senate seat.

Armed and Safe reports that the freedom to exercise Constitutional rights in National Parks, via the Bush initiative to allow concealed carry, is in danger as Democrats gear up to reverse it.

Kurt Hofmann, writing in his St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner column, says there is a new push to ban so-called assault weapons.

From Human Events:
*Concealed Carry Permits are Life-Savers
*Sen. Jim DeMint, R-SC, Offers Alternative Stimulus Package
*Don't Listen to Rush?

Tam comments on Blago's latest antics as the Illinois Senate begins impeachment hearings against the Governor today.

Days of our Trailers has more about the Blago-impeachment hearings in Illinois.

Blogstitution says that the real message behind the Democrats' words on the economy is, 'Just wait it out.'

Roberta X has good reading today on the Senate and the process for choosing Senate replacements.

Pax Parabellum comments on San Fan Nan (Loony-Bird of the House) and her statement over the weekend that birth control is 'good for the economy.'

Michelle Malkin reports that Obama's fraudulent group ACORN stands to receive billions in government stimulus money, via the taxpayers.

From Sipsy Street Irregulars: 'Scavenging as a Guerilla Art Form.'

Mindful Musings says 'It's Tea Party Time.'

Nicki posts a great read on the windbag from Long Island--anti-gun Representative Carolyn McCarthy.

JR provides info on David E. Young's new blog. Young, of course, is an important pro-gun author.

The Rustmeister has 'pocket Obama' for those who drank the kool-aid and wish to keep the words of 'dear leader' near to them at all times.

Texas Fred provides must-read commentary on Barack Hussein Obama. Get ready for some language that lays it on the line. It's good!

Sebastian says he's beginning to like blue-dog Democrats a lot better than Republicans. Here's why.

Say Uncle posts some links to some gun art.

Kharma Futures muses on what happens when Atlas shrugs. Good reading on individualism, liberty, etc.

Alphecca points to an excellent editorial on the so-called 'gun show loophole.'

Insight on Freedom has a MUST-read essay entitled, 'Obama Picks a Fight--the Wrong Fight.'

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