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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

ALERT! Martial Law, Gun Confiscation on the Way?

This is a special 'Liberty Alert.'

The following is the audio from a radio program that examines the possibility that Martial Law and gun confiscation is in the near future for the United States.

You will need an audio/media player, of course, to hear it. And it is lengthy, but well worth your time.

According to the show's guest, a former law enforcement officer, Martial Law and gun confiscation is not just a possibility. He is convinced that it is definitely on the way, and he claims to have proof of it from the testimony of hundreds of law enforcement and military personnel who attest to it.

The good news is that many of the patriotic lawmen and soldiers will defy orders and refuse to participate in this attack on American citizens. The bad news is that enough of them WILL participate that havoc will be wreaked in the streets.

Could this be true? Has this story been thoroughly verified?

At this point I am not sure. But the audio is worth hearing nonetheless. Something to think about.

Click here for the mp3 audio (H/t to Bob Pooler).
The program begins with a song by Johnny Cash...just keep listening...


Anonymous said...

As an Officer in the Army I can say that, if ordered to confiscate private weapons from NONVIOLENT citizens, I would refuse as I believe that is unconstitutional, even at the risk of my career, and possibly life. I know several other Soldiers who share my view and would do the same. I also own several handguns and a long gun, which "I would never voluntarily give up" though this does pose the very real question of what would I, or you, do if some one tried to confiscate private weapons. Please don't think this is a theoretical discussion either, after Katrina, the Mayor and Police Chief ordered weapons confiscation (look it up on youtube), it happened once, know what you will do when it happens again.

Welshman said...

I commend you, Sir, on your encouraging example of standing on your principles.

And thank you for your service to this country. You are a true Patriot.

Anonymous said...

Here is another Army (National Guard ) officer that will not comply with any unconstitutional orders to disarm non-violent persons.

Welshman said...

And thank-you to another true Patriot. As I said, there are hundreds if not thousands of you out there who feel the same way.

joel stoner said...

There are not enough Law Enforcement Officers, and Military personal to confiscate arms of the entire country. As soon as news hit of any firearms being confiscated, the die hards would be up in arms loading magazines, and setting up posts to get ready for all out resistance.

Welshman said...

Joel, let's hope that is the case and that the knowledge of this fact will stop government from initiating something as catastrophic and destructive as an attempted disarmament of the citizens.

Anonymous said...

I just provided this information to my Local Police Dept. I was deeply saddened at the response I got. The officer assured me that he would share the info but also told me that if it came down to it, they would enforce it. Hopefully the Chief will feel different. The former Chief, he and I had discussed this and he told me that if it came down to something like this, he would take off his badge. The Town is Cleveland NC.

Anonymous said...

I just provided this information to My Local Police. Cleveland NC. Granted the Chief wasn't in but the officer assured me that he would share this info. The sad part is, this Officer told me that if it came down, they would enforce it. I reminded the Officer of his oath, and that I had taken the same oath since I am former Law Enforcement, and that I would not give mine up. I then shook his hand and left, but our eyes met and it wasn't good. The former Chief and I had this discussion several years ago and he stated that should this come about he would take off his badge. Hopefully I will be able to speak with the current Chief soon. I can only hope the disagrees with his Officer.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous from Cleveland, NC said:
"The sad part is, this Officer told me that if it came down, they would enforce it. I reminded the Officer of his oath, and that I had taken the same oath since I am former Law Enforcement, and that I would not give mine up. I then shook his hand and left, but our eyes met and it wasn't good."

Anonymous from Free America states:
Then the officer described in the above passage would have to engage freedom loving Americans that WILL NOT GIVE UP OUR FIREARMS! PERIOD. There are many LEO's like the one described, just as there are many that will take off their badge if ordered to confiscate private weapons of American citizens. I've heard this same discussion many times and "looked into the eyes" of those that will follow orders to disarm us. I've spent many a day shooting along side LEO's at the range. Very few of them can handle a firearm like a military veteran. I do not want things to get to the point that this actually occurs, but if it does I can only suggest that they bring large numbers of body bags.

Anonymous said...

You idiots might feel different if one of your kids took one of your guns to school and opened fire.

Welshman said...

Anon, only 'idiots' are so blind to their kids' activities that they would allow that to happen. Only 'idiots' would fail to teach their kids about the value of guns and gun safety. And only 'idiots' so demonize guns that their curious and rebellious kids are so enticed by them that they need to prove how 'bad' they are...idiot!

Anonymous said...

Your right. Only idiots would act that way and are still acting that way. Unless you are living under a rock the last time I checked the school shootings haven't stopped. You don't want anyone to take your gun away so you must not mind that we lose a few kids in the process.

Welshman said...

What a shockingly asinine statement! Of course I don't want kids getting shot. I don't want kids getting killed in car accidents.

But in a FREE SOCIETY, we don't deal with crime by limited the rights of citizens. We limit crime with proper education, better parenting skills, adequate adult supervision, and cracking down HARD on perpetrators.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your second paragraph but that doesn't seem to be working because the shootings continue. If we limit certain people from owning guns we might make some progress. Are you afraid of a background check and showing proper identification to purchase a gun or should we let just anybody walk into a gun store and buy what they want. It might piss off some stupid rednecks but I don't care.

Welshman said...

Obviously your gall is only exceeded by your vast ignorance, so I will try to educate you.

Are you aware of how easy it is to get guns in the vast underground? Illegal guns that have nothing to do with registration, licensing, encoding, or anything else?

The criminals don't care and are not effective at all by all the gun control you pass. They are still going to get guns, and they will still murder people.

Now, until this society deals with thugs, don't come to me whining about people getting killed. We have molly-coddled criminals for much too long. And we have hamstrug the citizens in any attempt to deal with thugs with their guns.

Turn the vast army of armed citizens loose on the thugs, and we could clear up your crime problem in about 2 weeks tops.

And frankly, I don't care if that makes you mad or outraged or anything else. Your brain is clogged up with the oppressive bacteria of collectivist propaganda.

Time to wake up and smell the coffee, if you dare to allow yourself to see the real truth.

Anonymous said...

I love you comment about turning armed citizens loose to kill the "thugs". Talk about an ignorant statement. Let's become vigalantes and take back our streets! Wahoo!!! You also might want to check your grammer. Read your last several comments and you'll see what I mean. But I guess that is to be expected considering the lack of intellect I am dealing with here.

Welshman said...

Yeah, I am 'lacking intellect,' Einstein. You can't even seem to wrap your brain around a simple fact--limiting and restricting the rights of citizens does nothing to prevent crime.

Welshman said...

But just to show you that I am fair, although exceedingly lacking in intellect, I will give you the last word...have at it.

Anonymous said...

You just don't get it do you? I feel sorry for you. Why don't you put some of your effort into other things such as volunteering to talk to kids about gun safety and the dangers of guns. Better yet go volunteer at a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen and get a dose of reality. You're to busy worrying about someone taking your guns away. Have you ever heard the saying violence begets violence? Probably not. Have fun at gun club target practice shootinig pictures of thugs. I'll bet you're a good shot!

Anonymous said...

I note with great irony the tendency of hoplophobes, who after failing to prove their intellectual superiority through their arguments, resort to attacking the 'grammer' of their opponents. It would seem they are unarmed between the ears as well.

zsu2357 said...

I will assume you refer to Welshman,I a agree 100% with him,and if he's as good at paper thugs, will I 'would'nt
want him pissed at me if I were a thug.In fact I would want him next to me I'd be proud!!at least he's not afraid of guns,and has the right idea.

zsu2357 said...

I assume your paper thug comment was aimed at Welshman?Theirs only one thing I disagree with him over.I think it would actually be less than 2 weeks,but let us not split straws over that.He's got may back anytime.
Violence begets violence?whats ya gonna do if violence comes begetting you or your family?use harsh words?throw rocks?I know pray it go's
away.Good luck.

John said...

If an Officer came to my door and attempted to illegally confiscate my firearms, I would use said firearms against him.

The right to bare arms is guaranteed by the Constitutition. IF however you want to get technical with "Well that only applies to militias" then I'll tell you this...

The Constitution also guarantees my right to be secure in my peron and PROPERTY which includes legally obtained firearms.

If you confiscate my firearms you sure as hell better reimburse me the premium market value for them, tax fucking free. After all I worked hard for the (taxed) income used to purchase them.

Slash that, I think I'll just keep my firearms. The value of the US Dollae seems to be going down everyday.

celticwarrior said...

Complete gun confication private ownership is a very distinct reality when one considers the 500,000 UN,NATO and Warsaw Pact stormtroopers already in the continental US.They are here,training for martial law with US troops,at the authorization of the US government and the UN.How about Chinese troops doing this type of training with the USMC at Pendleton?We also shouldn't forget about the US military and militarized law enforcement.I wouldn't trust any of those guys as far as I could throw them.This Illuminati gun AND ammo confiscation will be utterly total which means they will take guns from EVERYONE:violent,non-violent and otherwise.How do you know who you can trust when the military and LE are dressed the same?Henry Kissinger had once said this was definitely going to happen and he was THE POWER in the Oval Office.It's admirable that the military personnel who posted comments refuse to obey orders to confiscate guns from non-violent citizens.does that mean that if I was having to fight against your buddies and the other Illuminati-controlled military and LE forces that I would be construed as violent and subject to a possible gun confiscation attempt by yourselves?I say attempt because that's all anyone would be able to do is make an attempt as I walked over their dead bodies,taking their wapons ,ammo and other essential items for my survival.You should be of a mindset that you will refuse ANY order requiring you to confiscate guns from ANY US citizen.So much ammo is being sent overseas for the Illuminati "wars" that many US cities are experiencing shortgaes in the stores.It's been planned that way by the global elitists.I urge people to take things very serious including this topic,the US concentration camps,food pricing controls and everything else the Illuminati are doing.VERY REAL and will all go down very soon!Patriots,protect the first with the second and happy hunting!

Anonymous said...

O.K, while I appreciate the back and forth in argument over the the "confiscation", "attempted confiscation", the potential "military threat" to the born out reality of "confiscation", and the patriots in our military and law enforcement who would refuse to be a part of this "confiscation" of our citizens, let me ask all of you... Who is going to stand in the way of the F.E.M.A. million man, multi-national, army who will take the place of said troops in the efforts to enforce the illuminati decisions to strip away our god given, blood earned, rights, and enslave us all for an indefinet period of time? The constitution also states that "all capable men" are responsible to take up arms, and do what they can. In my opinion, you either believe in our founding father's dedication to break out from under tyrany, and to have an equal, and fair constitution in which all free "men" were able to live freely, without fear of oppression, the strangle hold of thought, the personal choice to choose and/or believe in whitchever god you may chose to believe in, the freedom to speak without duress, the freedom to travel about the land in which you live, the choice to be armed, to protect your self and/or your family as well as your property, with deadly force if nesessary, as well as the freedom to pursue legal monetary gain and/or happiness. In my opinion, you either believe in America, the Republic, and freedom, or you do not.Whichever way you chose to believe, it is within your rights. This was guaranteed to you by the blood of our ancestors, and the dedication of men who refused to be moved by what were then considered to be unmovable forces, more powerful forces. And the test of their resolve was proven on the battlefield WITH firearms. My daughter is fully aware of firearms safety, through instruction my myself. I do not feel it nessesary to "lock" my firearms up, because I feel that through proper PARENTAL guidence she if aware and responsible. GUNS do not kill people any more than a pencil causes spelling errors. Criminals do not normaly obtain firearms in a LEGAL fashion. And it is my opinion that excessive gun control is a contributing factor to crime, due to the ever increasing lack of fear that criminals have with running into a law abiding "armed citizen". So the "political bell ringing" rhetoric about advocation of abolishing even one of our constitutional rights, given to us by the blood and dedication of mightier, and wiser, men than us should not even be a topic of discussion among the true patriots of this Republic. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

All rights laws and constitutions aside, all (or most) would want to defend themselves. The question at that point is ability, capability, and threat. Howerver the real weapons against any population are fuel,food and water.