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Monday, December 08, 2008

A Pipe Dream--Pie in the Sky with No Money

Barack Obama's massive public works program to rebuild the nation's schools and infrastructure is a mere pipe dream. It is a 'pie in the sky' promise with no money to pay for it.

Unlike FDR and Dwight D. Eisenhower before him, Obama faces a trillion dollar budget deficit and a multi-trillion dollar national debt. We have already borrowed ourselves into practical serfdom should the Chinese and other countries call for the payment.

We have also mortgaged away our children and grandchildren's future by multi-billion dollar bailouts, some claiming that the actual figure is the range of 5 trillion dollars--all of this borrowed from foreign sources, plunging us even further into the status of debtor nation.

The simple fact is Obama has no money to fulfill any of his campaign promises for expanded government services. The U.S. is flat broke, and the only thing keeping us out of complete bankruptcy is the fact that our creditors have not called for the entire balance of the debts to be paid immediately.

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