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Monday, November 03, 2008

Second Amendment News Roundup for 11/3/08

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Gateway Pundit reports the explosive news that Obama's notion of there being a 'righteous wind' blowing his way is a direct quote from Chairman Mao Tse Tung, the Chinese Communist Dictator. Chairman Ba-O quotes Chairman Mao. Why am I not surprised?

From Codrea's War on Guns:
*Excerpts from David's hosting of the Gun Talk radio show yesterday
*The U.S. Supreme Court will hear the Hayes case. Important!
*Last chance to help McClintock win in California

Gun Rights Examiner has today's MUST-read from Codrea on tomorrow's election, entitled, 'The 11th Hour.'

Mindful Musings points out the chilling similarities between Barack Obama's proposed 'Civilian Security Force' and Adolf Hitler's civilian 'Storm Regiment' in Nazi Germany.

Texas Fred has more on this shocking Obama proposal.

From Western Rifle Shooters Association:
*Vanderboegh's latest on Obama's promise to 'change the world.'
*'Election Night Follies, Chicago Style'

Armed and Safe has an interesting 'tale of 2 cities.'

JR got some good publicity in the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram today.

Alphecca reports that our men and women in the military overwhelmingly support John McCain. In fact, we hear that in some military circles it's so bad for Obama that even if he wins he will garner no respect as 'Commander-in-Chief.'

Sebastian has an excellent response to the anti-gun bigots who think we're 'paranoid' because of our fear of gun confiscation by the government. If it is true they really do want our guns (and they do), then it's not 'paranoia.'

Say Uncle posts a MUST-read on Obama and guns.

Robb Allen muses that if only the federal government were properly limited to the role specifically delineated in the Constitution, there would be much less to fear from general elections.

Breda comments on the Obama goon squad and gun confiscation.

The Wandering Minstrel has some frank talk about guns. Read it all.

Walls of the City comments that among liberals dissent is not tolerated, and they even turn violent if you buck them.

Days of Our Trailers observes that the election may be so close we may not know the winner until sometime Wednesday.

The Rustmeister posts the latest CMP sales news.

Insight on Freedom has the riveting, 'After America, Who Will Lead the World?'

Traction Control publishes a special election message from the NRA.

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