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Monday, November 17, 2008

Obama's Next Mistake: Hillary as Sec of State

Reports are swirling around various media outlets this evening that Barack Obama has offered the job of Secretary of State to Hillary Clinton and that Clinton has accepted.

But, like Michelle Malkin, I am skeptical of this news.

The Obama team has yet to fully vet former President Bill Clinton's numerous ties to foreign governments, not to mention his Foundation, which has accepted extravagant gifts from foreign heads of state.

All of this adds up to pitfalls around every corner should Hillary become Secretary of State.

If the reports are true, the news would be very bad. Bill Clinton was a disaster for U.S. foreign policy. There is no reason to think Hillary would be any better.

Thus, Obama's next big mistake, and there are many, would be selecting a person whose views on foreign policy are similar to those of the man (her husband) whose many mistakes led to at least 4 terrorist attacks on the U.S., 2 of those being on our own soil.


Anonymous said...

She will never be Obama's Sec. of anything. She is too ambitious and will not place herself in a position where she has no chance to challenge him in 2012. She may not challenge him, depending upon circumstances, but she will not forego that option.

She is also very impatient, so serving an Obama administration and waiting till 2016 is not palatable to her.

Welshman said...

Supposedly it is a done deal, according to the mainstream media. But I still have my doubts.

I agree with you that she may challenge Obama for the Dem nomintation in 2012...creating a rift in the Party from which Palin can benefit.

Some say that notion is silly. But, the Clintons are nothing if not politically savvy. They know Obama is going to be a trainwrech for the nation, and there may be no other choice than for someone, like Hillary, to challenge him for the nomination in 2012.

Anonymous said...

That will make twice I have been wrong. I didn't think Nixon would resign, either.

But, as you said she has indicated she would accept. Will have to wait and see. I think the honeymoon may not take place, I actually hope she does accept. This will put the presidency out of her reach in 2012. Democrats demand complete party loyalty in all aspects, ask Joe Liebermann.

If the coming four years are as big a train wreck as we expect them to be. And if Clinton is Sec. of State, we may be able to oust the Dems from at least the White House. Of course, at present, that's no guarantee of getting anything better.

Welshman said...

You got THAT right. Our success in 2012 all depends on who the GOP picks to run. If they give us another RINO, we may as well fold up the tents and go home.