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Monday, November 24, 2008

The Idiots of the Century

A post-election poll conducted by John Zogby shows that 56% of Obama voters didn't know that both Houses of Congress are controlled by Democrats.

This would explain why so many among the citizenry blamed Republicans for everything that's wrong with America. They believed that the GOP controlled Congress.

Thus, we can add the hopelessly ignorant to the list of those who voted for Obama, in addition to Communists, Socialists, terrorist-sympathizers, ultra-Leftists, and those who made race the central issue in the election--like the 97% of America's blacks who voted for Obama solely on the basis of his race.

If I were Obama, I would be thoroughly embarrassed by the fact that 56% of those who voted for me are the idiots of the century who don't even know enough about their own country to know who controls Congress.


TexasFred said...

There's even MORE that can't name the 3 branches of government...

And some folks think Africa is a country, just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, aren't these the same idiots that try to hammer folks like us for being sticks in the mud, and not wanting "change?"

Back in the late 80's when I was a SSgt on the flightline at Castle AFB, I asked my folks what the dates of the American Civil War were.

Out of 13 people, only one or two got it right (I can't remember exactly). When I asked about which century, and which half of the century, the numbers didn't improve all that much.

Now that's military folk, who are generally more attuned to stuff like that. And, that was 20 years ago when young folks supposedly knew more. . .

I would relate the rest of the things I asked them, but they didn't do any better on those subjects either. . .

And we wonder why we are losing our country.

Anonymous said...

Obama won for one very simple reason. Stupid people voted.

Though all the intelligence in the world would not have resulted in a good candidate winning. So at least stupidity only harmed us to a higher degree. We never had a choice of harm or not, just how much.