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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Democrats Want Gov't Ownership of Auto Industry

If Democrats Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid get their way, the federal government will get part ownership in the 'big 3' American automakers in exchange for a financial bailout.

Frank's proposal will be included in a mega-bailout scheme, Part II, proposed by Democrats.

The Feds have already seized partial ownership of banks. Now they want the auto industry as well.

Tell me, is there ANY business in America that is safe from an all-powerful government run amok?

There is a term for the practice of government entering into collaborative partnerships with business as a part owner. It is called fascism, and the best example of it was Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler.

Read the complete story on the Democrats' stunningly brazen proposal HERE.


Anonymous said...

I have been trying for years and years to educate people about fascism being our greatest danger. I have explained time and again the difference between communism and fascism. I have yet to be able to reach even one ignorant sonofabitch. NOw, they are going to get a lesson they cannot ignore.

Welshman said...

Indeed, they will!