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Monday, October 27, 2008

Striking Similarities--What Will Be Our Price to Pay?

One of the most tragic and inexcusable episodes in the history of humanity was precipitated by a government regulated by a democratic constitution which called for the free election of the nation's leader.

The problem, however, was 3-fold.

One, the government controlled the information reported to the public through the use of what is known as 'propaganda.' Only that information that was deemed favorable to the government was reported.

Second, class warfare was rampant in the society, pitting one group against another and leading to a culture of blame against certain groups of persons who had done well, such as Jews.

Third, the democratic constitution contained one fatal flaw. In the event of a perceived national emergency, the nation's elected leader could suspend all human liberty and assume complete control of the government.

These events coalesced from 1919 to 1932 to form the backdrop for the ascension of the Nazi Party in Germany, leading to the formation of the Third Reich and the assumption of power by Adolf Hitler.

The similarities between these events and the events occurring presently in the United States are striking.

During the current campaign for the Presidency of the United States a shocking lack of objectivity has been exhibited by a Press that has shown itself to be recklessly unconcerned about journalistic integrity in lieu of assuming a cheerleading role for a possible new President, Barack Obama.

Even veteran newscaster Dan Rather, who has never been a friend to conservatives, noted that the mainstream media's bias in favor of Obama has been pervasive, consistent, and blatant.

The ominous character of this bias lies in the fact that the media has simply withheld vital information from the public in the midst of an important Presidential campaign.

For example, the mainstream media deemed it infinitely more important to send out multi-millions of dollars' worth of satellite equipment, and manpower, to dig up possible dirt on Sarah Palin in her hometown in Alaska than to simply report known fact concerning Barack Obama's friendships and collaborative work with known terrorists and anti-Americans such as William Ayers.

It is further very interesting to note that within the past week all reports concerning widespread voter fraud by ACORN, an Obama get-out-the-vote project, have mysteriously disappeared from the news.

Apparently in the days leading up to the election, the propaganda machine has decided it does not wish for citizens to be reminded of the fraud and corruption that has characterized this campaign, Barack Obama in particular.

The class warfare issue is another interesting parallel to 1920s Germany.

Despite Obama's claim that 'there is no white America, no black America, we are all Americans' mantra, the campaign has conducted a very subtle yet noticeable attempt to pit one group of Americans against another, in the name of not doing so.

To refer to an across-the-board tax cut that benefits all citizens as a 'tax break for the rich' is a perfect example of this class warfare.

Obama wishes to allow to expire the Bush tax cuts of the last 8 years so that 'we can give those cuts to the middle class.'

But the middle class got tax cuts under Bush. Everyone did. That is what we mean by 'across the board.'

So how, then, is an across-the-board tax cut something that is only for 'the rich'?

This is class warfare at its worst, and Obama has used it to his advantage just as Hitler did in Germany in the 20s and 30s.

But the problem here is much more sinister.

While most Americans thought that within the halls of academia professors and students were conducting the normal business of learning and training young minds to think for themselves, a group of radicals sat around Columbia University and other settings during the late 1960s seriously discussing how they were going to pull off the systematic murder of 25 million capitalists.

Obama-friend and co-worker William Ayers was part of the that group.

Ayers himself writes of this episode in his book on homegrown terrorism from the 1960s entitled, Prairie Fire.

Yet Obama later sought out Ayers, formed a friendship with him, wrote promotionals for his books, and collaborated with the terrorist in developing and propagating an educational scheme in Chicago to brainwash students into becoming radicals.

This information has been carefully withheld from the public by the Press, except among various sources of the 'unauthorized variety' that are not part of the propaganda machine.

Yet another eerily similar aspect of 1920s Germany and the U.S. in 2008 is the push to shore up government power using the 'security from terrorism' tactic as an excuse.

Many Constitutional adherents and patriots were appalled that in the massive government bailout of Wall Street, pushed by George Bush and Democrats Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Harry Reid, and Chris Dodd, the federal government was given unprecedented power to control financial markets and even 'inform' large banks that the government was going to buy shares in them in order to shore up its control.

The banks were given no choice. The government forced their hand to allow the feds to participate in bank 'ownership.'

The Nazi Party in Germany was fascist in nature. One defining characteristic, among others, of fascism is the government's stake in private ownership of business, leading to one massive collaborative effort by the government and big business to dominate society under the leadership of a dictator or a dictatorial consortium.

Hitler partnered with big business in Germany in the 20s and 30s, creating one mammoth 'oligarchy'--a government-big business complex.

Beyond this, in the government's present attempt to 'protect' American citizens at all costs from terrorists, a line has been crossed leading to an unprecedented consolidation of centralized government power.

The changes to our Constitution resulting from these misguided steps leave the citizens vulnerable to a suspension of their rights in the event of some unnamed 'national emergency.'

We have already seen what the effects of such a thing have done in certain areas of the country. In the aftermath of Katrina, innocent law abiding citizens were deprived of their right to protect themselves and their property as local government confiscated their guns.

And within this year's Presidential campaign, we have seen the dark side of unbridled government power used to try to smear and ruin an ordinary citizen, Joe the Plumber, for challenging Barack Obama on his tax policies.

The state of Ohio is investigating invasions into Joe's privacy by those in government who used government computers to dig up personal information to use against Joe.

Barack Obama is on record stating that he opposes the right of American citizens to own handguns and would support measures to outlaw them. He also told reporters back in February that he is opposed to lawful concealed carry of firearms by American citizens.

Hitler opposed such things as well. And during his rise to power Germany not only registered weapons but then went further to confiscate those weapons from the citizens who had registered them in good faith.

When Hitler ran for office in the years after World War I, he lost his election to Hindenburg. But Hindenburg made Hitler a part of his government, giving him the title of Chancellor. Upon Hindenburg's death, Hitler consolidated his power and became the sole head of the government.

And, using the fatal flaw contained in the democratic constitution, Hitler was able to seize complete control as a Fuhrer, using the excuse of a national emergency as his reasoning.

The fact that Hitler could hypnotize and mesmerize multi-thousands of Germans in the speeches he gave before massive crowds only helped him further consolidate his power. With the support of the people behind him he could then do whatever he wanted in terms of his overall agenda--to rid society of those making up the 'undesirable classes,' to remove any and all opposition, and to bring back to Germany some of the lost 'hope and change' they forfeited at the end of World War I.

With an unchecked national media supporting him, and with an overwhelming majority of like-minded persons in the Congress and in the courts, Barack Obama is set to amass the very same kind of power that the charismatic Adolf Hitler was able to seize during pre-World War II Germany.

The result for Germany and Europe was the Holocaust during which 7 million Jews and 4 million political dissidents were murdered. What will be our price to pay?

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