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Monday, October 06, 2008


Several years ago a family member asked me to tell him when he was not making any sense. He was undergoing chemotherapy, and he was concerned that at times he would exhibit no logic in his statements due to the effects of the strong drugs.

I only had to alert him to the fact once. And he appreciated it.

Well, my fellow Americans, whether you asked for it or not, presently you are not making any sense. If the polls about your views concerning the 2008 Presidential and Congressional elections are correct, you are engaging in senseless irrationality.

Here's how.

As the economy falters, Barack Obama's poll numbers rise. And, when Congress voted for the 700 billion dollar bailout of Wall Street, once again Obama benefited in the polls supposedly due to the fact that Americans overwhelmingly opposed the bailout.

My friends, Barack Obama campaigned for and voted for the massive bailout!

So, why is he not sharing any of the blame?

In addition, since Barack Obama's Party took over both Houses of Congress in 2006, our economic woes have increased. Gasoline was just over 2 bucks a gallon here in the South in 2006. The housing and banking markets were strong.

Barack Obama was one of the Democrats elected to Congress that year. And, in less than 2 years we have seen gasoline increase by 2 bucks per gallon, the housing and banking markets fall into disarray, and our pension plans lose millions.

Congress controls the purse-strings of America, not the President. And it took less than 2 years' worth of Democratic leadership in Congress to result in this mess.

Yet you, the American people, are telling pollsters that you approve of the very ones responsible for the problem.

Barack Obama was knee-deep in scandal at FannieMae and FreddieMac way back in the 1990s, benefiting personally from good ole boy under-the-table deals that allowed him to get a million dollar home on the salary of an Illinois state legislator.

And then, just last week, he voted to bail out the good ole boys on Wall Street using OUR tax dollars to the tune 700 billion dollars. I suppose he had to return a favor to the corrupt officials that got him his magnificent home.

This is why I say you are making no sense whatsoever if you are participating in these polls. It is senseless to allow Obama and his Democratic cohorts to escape any blame for the mess in the economy.

The question is, are you strong enough to accept the plain truth? And, when are you going to begin listening to the lone voices crying in the darkness concerning the real truth about Barack Obama?


Anonymous said...

In all fairness McCain voted for the bailout,also. However, unlike Obama he sounded the alarm years ago that this was coming.

A democrat congress has always put us either in a war, or depression.

So of course we must reward them because a spineless bastard of the other party occupied the White House and agreed to everything the democrats wanted.

Makes sense to me, of course, I quit taking my Thorazine, so I could be wrong.

Welshman said...

On the other hand, you could be right...the Thorazine may have clouded your view of the truth...

Anonymous said...

I don't actually take Thorazine, but there are times when I think either I should or the rest of the world should. Because somebody's nuts.

Welshman said...

Yeah, I was just kidding. And I know exactly what you mean.