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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Quick Notes on the Presidential Debate--10/7/08

1. There was no clear winner in last night's Presidential debate. Both candidates stated their positions clearly. However, on the basic issues alone, I say McCain wins for the reasons given in the last debate, which you can find HERE.

2. Something foul occurred in the debate. Tom Brokaw picked questions that the candidates answered in the last debate. So, why did we need this debate if it were merely going to be a rehashing of the last one?

3. There IS a reason why someone needed this debate. Severely limiting the types of questions that were asked only served to help Barack Obama. McCain needed to further differentiate himself from Obama on a variety of key issues such as abortion, gun rights, family values, etc., which he never got a chance to do. Brokaw made sure the types of questions that were chosen were in Obama's favor simply because they gave no chance for McCain to show that he is mainstream and Obama is radical.

4. For this reason, this was no real 'town hall' debate. Brokaw had all the power.

5. Citizens were not really free to ask Obama about his extremist radical associations, his former Pastor and church--issues that get to the heart of character. I'm sure such questions were submitted, but since Brokaw had the sole power to toss questions prior to the debate, they did not get asked. Thus, Americans still don't really know the real Barack Obama.

6. Mysteriously, whenever Obama answered a question, he stood right in camera view of a woman sitting behind him who gave him overtly positive facial affirmations, complete with broad smiles, nods of the head, and so forth. This happened at least a dozen times. This was not was as if he had rehearsed with the camera people where to stand in order to be shown with a person who acted like a big supporter. And thus, I cry 'FOUL!'

7. This 'debate' only further confirms my conviction that these TV debates are nothing more than dog-and-pony shows of no substance. TV is a medium that highlights the insignificant--the fluff. Once again, how a person comes across on TV is no indication of how effective they will be as President.

8. Brokaw should not have come out of retirement.

9. Someone should investigate the mysterious camera angle that was designed to help Obama.

10. No one asked Obama about his oft-repeated claim that he will 'give 95% of Americans a tax cut, although he has proposed a trillion dollars in new government spending. Where is that money going to come from?

Since so many of Obama's supporters act as if he is their Lord and Savior, the Messiah, then maybe they believe he can cause money to appear out of thin air. But one thing is for sure, his proposals make no logical sense.


Anonymous said...

Obama won the debate. McCain had the better answers, but they were mostly logical and appealed to the intellect.

Obama kept trying to instill fear, and definitely was appealing to emotion.

So, even though McCain had more substantive responses,in the minds of the electorate Obama won.

Welshman said...

Yeah, I get your drift.

For this reason, I think Britney Spears should be elected President. She is beautiful, sexy, comes across well on TV, and boy she sure does get my emotions going!

At the rate we're going in this country, we may as well let the most eligible bachelor and bachelorette, as chosen on that stupid TV reality show, be our President and Vice-President.

All said of course with tongue firmly planted in cheek, and with a certain flash of anger toward the electorate.

Joel_ said...

those 5% who don't get cuts will have to pony up not only the trillion+ of new spending but ALSO cover for the loss of revenue from the tax "cuts". Keep your eye out for 60% tax brackets.

Welshman said...

Yes, at least 60%. Obama is on record for supporting a 100% tax rate. This is sheer robbery and government confiscation of wages.