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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The PBS Poll on Sarah Palin

A poll on Sarah Palin has been running for 3 weeks at PBS, and, according to Glenn Reynolds, the votes are evenly split on whether or not she is 'qualified' to be Vice-President.

It is most interesting that no such poll is taken on whether or not Barack Obama, the junior Senator from Illinois who is in his very first term, is qualified to be President.

Apparently, in the eyes of the mainstream media and other liberals, it is ultimately more important for a Vice-President to be qualified than a President.

Don't try to understand the logic of it, my friends. This is just simply more of the same irrationality we have come to expect from those whose judgment melts to sewage in the face of Obama's mesmerizing spell.

Some have suggested that only the Anti-Christ could have the power to cause otherwise intelligent people to totally lose their bearings. While I have resisted such over-the-top comparisons, it does make one pause to wonder about the power one man can exercise over so many.

I tend to think it's hormonal rather than spiritual, however...even with men. After all, Chris Matthews did say he felt a strange sensation running up his leg in the presence of Obama.

And, if Obama can give Matthews 'a lift,' just think of what he's doing to the women.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ultimately, everything is spiritual in some way. It is distressing to me that both Obama and Palin have been received the way they were by their respective ideological groups.

I can understand this irrational behavior of the liberals and left-wingers. But it is a rare thing to see this in the traditionally conservative Republicans. Thus, I am gravely concerned. No nation, no group of people should be so smitten with an individual that they lose their senses.

Scripturally, this kind of behavior is tagged to the presence of an anti-Christ figure. It is noteworthy that the Lord Jesus Christ's presence did not do that to people (ie. Nathanael, John 1:44-49). Hence, the reaction of the likes of Chris Matthews strongly suggests that the spirit at work here is nothing but evil.

The more distressing thing is the evidence that individuals in this country are behaving as if they are seeking a messianic figure to save them. This is a dangerous position for a people and nation to be in. In Germany it led to Adolph Hitler. In history it has led to rulers who were accepted as demi-gods or gods.

Whether Palin or Obama are "qualified" to assume the offices they seek is really an irrelevant question. The greater concern ought to be focused upon why this people seem to be seeking a messiah. The Messiah has already come, and He didn't promise an end to our troubles in this world, and He didn't want to rule a country (John 18:36). Any other messiah, especially one that promises and end to our troubles in this life should be rejected out of hand.