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Friday, October 17, 2008

OBAMA, Not McCain, Is 4 More Years of Bush

With Senator Barack Obama incessantly repeating at least 2,189,449 times within 3 months that 'John McCain will be 4 more years of Bush,' perhaps it is time to take a look at the actual record.

In actuality, when it comes to the economy, it is OBAMA and not McCain that represents 4 more years of Bush.

And here's why.

Clearly, Obama and Bush are polls apart when it comes to tax cuts. The 2 major Bush tax cuts within the last 8 years did much to allow citizens to keep more of their own money and stimulate the economy.

Obama wants those cuts to expire, thus creating the largest single tax increase in U.S. history.

But when it comes to government spending and the growth of government, Barack Obama is a Bush man 100%.

Obama has proposed nearly ONE TRILLION DOLLARS in new government spending, which he claims he will pay for by giving '95% of Americans a tax cut.' Yeah, I know. What a complete idiot. Obama must have been schooled in 'ebonics math.' The figures do not add up.

Bush has been vilified by Democrats and Republicans alike for running up huge deficits, increasing government spending, and increasing the overall size of government while at the same time providing tax cuts.

Ring any bells?

Who is the one Presidential candidate who has made proposals that will increase government spending, run up huge deficits, and increase the size and scope of government, while at the same time proposing a tax cut for 95% of the citizens--that is, after he gives you the largest tax increase in history?

It certainly isn't John McCain! There is no such 'ebonics math' in the McCain plan.

McCain, on the other hand, has clearly differentiated himself from Bush on economic policy.

McCain has proposed an across-the-board freeze on all increases in government spending. This is only fair and prudent. If Americans are being asked to sacrifice in these rough economic times, then government needs to do the same.

It is time for government to go on a diet and tighten the belt. This can only be done by immediately putting a freeze on any increase in government spending and then later making reductions in that spending. This will force government to live within its means, meaning that deficits will be reduced and our overall economy will grow stronger.

For a Presidential candidate of Obama's supposed vast intellect to propose in the midst of a serious economic downturn massive increases in government spending, running up huge, unmanageable deficits that will be passed on to future generations, and increasing the burden of national debt that is absolutely ruining our nation, is the height of arrogance, stupidity, and recklessness.

Only someone like George Bush would do that.

But Barack Obama will do the very same thing!

And thus, an Obama Presidency would represent 4 more years of Bush economics. The real change is in John McCain's plan for sensible limits on government spending, which has been raging out of control under the Bush presidency.

The next time, then, that you hear Barack Obama say that McCain will be just 4 more years of the same old 8 years of failed policies, remember...once again he is lying.

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