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Friday, October 03, 2008

Biden Shows Ignorance on Constitution

During the Vice-Presidential debate last night, Joe Biden showed his vast ignorance on the U.S. Constitution.

While shifting into lecture mode in response to Sarah Palin's statement that the Vice-President 'presides' over the Senate, Biden forthrightly made a fool of himself by schooling Palin that 'the only role the Vice-President has in the Senate is to break a tie vote.'

He even cited the specific article of the Constitution that supposedly states this 'fact.'

The problem is, Biden is wrong!

The Constitution states that the Vice-President's role in the Senate is much more than simply casting a tie-breaking vote. The Constitution says that the Vice-President presides over the Senate, as anybody who can read for themselves can see.

Thus, on a MAJOR Constitutional issue, the 'novice' who supposedly is 'not ready to be Vice-President' actually exhibited extensive knowledge of Constitutional concepts while lawyer Joe Biden, who has spent nearly 40 years in the Senate, would fail a high school school test question on the responsibilities of the Vice-President.

Go figure...


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I think the first three words of your post title adequately demonstrate Obama's campaign ever since Biden was selected.

The man is a moron, and obviously enjoys the taste of shoe leather.

Joel_ said...

O come on! this is the best you can do? he got the gist of it... he forgot to say that he knocks the gavel. So what!?

Anonymous said...

A distinction without difference, me thinks.

Is this the best you can come up with?


Welshman said...

What is pathetic is that a lawyer with 40 years in the Senate doesn't know the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

It probably isn't the best Mr. Morgan could come up with, but since it was obviously the best Biden could come up with, why would more be necessary?