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Friday, September 26, 2008

Second Amendment News Roundup for 9/26/08

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

From Gateway Pundit:
*The debate is on for tonight. Gateway has all the details.
*The financial crisis timeline. The truth has been revealed that the Bush Administration warned Congress 7 different times, beginning in 2001, about a growing crisis on Wall Street.
*A 'gaffe-a-day' Joe Biden has told another whopper, but the media instead focuses on Sarah Palin's nostrils--do they flinch when Katie Couric gives her a pop quiz? What a joke.

Dr. John Lott reports that Obama is threatening legal action if they run NRA ads prior to the election...and all the while he is using '527 ads' from HIS focus groups to attack McCain.

David Codrea at War on Guns posts more on this story.

Days of our Trailers has 'the video Obama doesn't want you to see.'

Mike McCarville has today's MUST-see. This is 'worth more than a thousand words.'

From the American Thinker:
*This blog blows the whistle on this unbelievable story on Katie Couric and her cohorts who show blatant disrespect to Governor Sarah Palin. This is an absolute MUST-READ!
*'Hold It! The Public Hasn't Seen Any Rescue Plan Yet!'

Alphecca has more on the story reported yesterday that Obama is going to run attack ads on McCain that slam senior adults. The ads will ridicule McCain's age and health problems...which is a subtle attack on ALL senior adults!

21 Guns Salute posts a letter he sent to elected officials opposing the bailout plan. I can't blame him nor disagree with the gist of the letter. It's not that I support 'a bailout' as it has been proposed, but I do think that doing something is necessary, even if it is simply reducing regulation and leveling the playing field for all.

Nicki has essential reading today from one of the most passionate defenders of capitalism in history. Read it!

Sebastian gives us a quick sampling of what he found politically in the Philly suburbs.

From ARRA News Service:
*The bailout plan supported by Democrats includes an earmark!
*A roundup of what's happening in Washington today--more pork!

JB's Corner posts 'About This Economic Crisis.'

Texas Fred provides some good reading today entitled, 'Barack, Sarah, and the Bible.'

From Notoriously Conservative:
*'What Caused the Economic Crisis?'--the video
*'How the Credit Crisis Started'--read it all.

Joe Huffman has a good read entitled, 'Headlines for Obama.'


Jay21 said...

Thanks again for the link. Unfortuneately I seem to still miss my own points.
"even if it is simply reducing regulation and leveling the playing field for all"
is really what I am looking for. The "banks" hold power over our Consitutional Republic, and that must be fixed, the only way I see that happening is for the bottom to fall. It will be painful, but I see it as needed.

Welshman said...


The good news is that the Paulson plan is not going to pass. That much is clear.

House Republicans have an alternative plan that is getting loads of support from the general public.

Rather than bail out anybody, you offer insurance to the companies that are teetering on the edge. You reduce the capital gains tax to get cash flowing back into the system again. You tell Fannie and Freddie that no longer are they permitted to buy up 'bad paper' and that preferential treatment will no longer be given to them.

They will simply have to compete on the same level playing field with everyone else.

This way a minimum amount of taxpayer money is risked, and the flow of cash from a reduction of the capital gains tax will get most of the companies out of the hole in a short period of time.

That is the plan that makes much more sense and which I can support. Sounds like you agree.

Welshman said...

I also meant to say that part of the House GOP-McCain plan to solve the financial mess is to LOAN money to the troubled corporations who need it--money that they will have to pay back.

The Democrat-Bush plan is for GRANTS--a big difference!

Jay21 said...

From what i have read lately, i can at least live with the House GOP plan. Not for me personally, but hey, thats the risk you run with a Representitive Republic.

Welshman said...

True. In the best of all possible worlds you let bad companies pay for their mistakes by going out of business. Why bail anyone out either through insurance, loans, OR grants if they are too stupid to keep their financial house in order? you say, the House GOP wants to keep the economy from going under, so, they have an alternative plan that offers very little risk to the taxpayers. So, we'll see...