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Monday, September 01, 2008

Regarding the Pregnancy of Palin's Daughter

The news came today that Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin's 17-year-old daughter is pregnant. This should not be fodder for the news media or bloggers. But here I am talking about it, mainly in response to Leftwing bloggers who have already blasted the candidate.

Thus, I will make a few comments and then leave the issue alone. She's 17-years-old, for heaven's sake. She and her family need privacy at this time.

Frankly, I am proud of the Palins for the manner in which they have handled this situation. As loving parents, they have embraced their daughter, and they support her decision to have the baby.

Had this been 75% of Democrats, if we take seriously their views of abortion-on-demand, they would have encouraged the young woman to just go and get it 'taken care of' so that she can 'move on with her life.'

Thank goodness a good number of these are hypocrites who would clearly NOT encourage their daughters to do such a hideous thing. Yet they support a Party platform that essentially gives abortion a free pass, not to mention the fact that their Presidential candidate supports infanticide.

The fact that Leftwing Democrat bloggers have been all over this issue all day long only proves that the entire lot is nothing but sleaze. Heaven help us if this crowd gets their candidates in the White House and the Congress.


Jerry said...

Doesn't the liberal crowd teach that "choice" is a private matter between a woman and her doctor?


Welshman said...

Yep. But it is 'private' only if the teenager chooses to kill 'the piece of tissue that is more like a frog than a human being.' And that is an exact quote from one of the pro-abortion liberals.