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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ooops! Obama, Biden Supported 'Bridge to Nowhere'

After making such a big deal over the fact that Governor Sarah Palin at one time supported the infamous Alaskan 'bridge to nowhere' (which she stopped in its tracks once she discovered the corruption behind it in her own Party, i.e., Ted Stevens), guess who has been 'outed' as big supporters of the project in Congress?

None other than Barack Obama and Joe Biden!

Both Senators are on record as supporting federal funding (earmark or 'pork barrel spending') for the Alaskan project!

Yet they demonized Palin for her early support of the project before changing her mind.

Now, exactly when did Obama and Biden discover any corruption surrounding the bridge to nowhere project? When did they demand that funding cease? And if they thought the whole thing was a corrupt boondoggle, why did they vote for funding it?

Mmmm, you'll be looking a LONG time to find THAT one!

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