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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Obama-Barbaric Attack on Abortion Survivor

In response to a McCain-Palin ad that highlights Barack Obama's proven support for infanticide while a legislator in Illinois, Obama went barbaric in his attack on the abortion survivor who is featured in an independent ad that was not produced by the McCain campaign but was aired to allow the woman to tell her story.

Barbarism seems to be the standard response of Obama to infants who survive abortion, even when they become adults!

Many of a libertarian bent in today's society seem to think that laws against abortion are some sort of infringement on an inherent human right. Funny they don't think fathers and mothers who murder their 3-year-old children are simply exercising an inherent human right.

In a civil society we have laws against taking human lives, and rightly so. Abortion and infanticide are two hideous crimes against humanity. Being a staunch libertarian and a staunch opponent of these acts of barbarism are not mutually exclusive.

The case at issue is an Illinois baby that was aborted but survived the procedure and placed in a dark closet to die, without food or water. Barack Obama voted to disallow medical care to be given to such babies who survive abortion attempts.

Obama defends himself by pulling some kind of legal, local-federal mumbo-jumbo to make it seem as though he didn't really support withholding medical care from that infant. The tactic is a red herring. The bottom line is that he believes babies who survive abortion attempts should be killed.

Hence, his barbaric attacks against the woman who survived an abortion attempt. In the video and commentary you will find at Gateway Pundit, you will see first-hand that the sleazy Obama has been caught red-handed in a barefaced lie about the most basic of human rights--the right to life.

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