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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Leftwing Hackers Break Into Palin Family Emails

A leftwing political group known simply as Anonymous has hacked into the email accounts of GOP VP candidate Sarah Palin and her family. Leftwing bloggers and websites then proceeded to post these private messages, including pictures of Palin's children, all over the Internet.

Let's get one thing clear from the very outset. This is not just innocent political games. Email hacking is a federal crime that carries serious prison time.

These hackers are felons, criminals, who for political gain placed personal, private information on the Internet for the whole world to see, including Palin family cell phone numbers.

The McCain campaign has turned over all of the evidence to federal investigators. Good. These lowlives need to be caught and sent up the river for a lengthy prison term.

Michelle Malkin has a series of news stories tracing the hacking attack against Palin HERE, Here, and here. Read them all. This story is crucial to understanding who is behind the attack, why they are doing it, and who is posting the information all over the Internet.

There is also riveting commentary on the incident over at Political Machine. This is good reading that exposes the Democrats' half-hearted condemnation of Anonymous and their attempt at distancing themselves from a group that does their dirty work.

Folks, the Commie-Nazis in the Democratic Party are running scared. Palin is such a threat to what they thought was going to be an automatic shoo-in of Barack Obama that they are willing to go to any length, including committing felonies, to stop her.

If ever there were a doubt as to just how dangerous the Leftwing is in this country, this single act should serve to dispel that doubt.

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