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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Failure to Report Massive Crowds for McCain-Palin

Remember how the mainstream media went bonkers over the massive crowds that went to see rock-star wannabe Barack Obama early in the campaign? Remember their panoramic camera views of the crowds in Europe when their beloved Obamessiah spoke in Germany and Paris?

Interestingly but not surprisingly, now that John McCain and Sara Palin are attracting mega-crowds following the Republican National Convention, the mainstream media has ignored and failed to report the groundswell of grassroots attention being given to the GOP team.

When the mainstreams cover Palin and McCain, gone are the camera shots of throngs of people waiting in line and standing to see the pair.

Clearly, Couric, Gibson, Williams, Cooper, and company do not want the public to see these images. They want the images of Obama's crowds sticking in their minds.

Michelle Malkin has much more on this story. It is well worth the time to go see it, if you are interested in fairness and truth in political reporting.

Frankly, I wouldn't give these partisans the time of day if I were Sarah Palin or John McCain. Palin is doing an extensive interview with Gibson at ABC. I know politicians have to do the obligatory dog-and-pony show with these charlatans, but it is getting to the point to where enough is enough.

If Gibson and his colleagues in the mainstream media are going to openly fawn all over Obama, then if I were on the other side, I would tell him and the rest of the goons to go jump as I flipped them the bird.

Why give the enemy publicity by granting an interview? Why enable the careers of those who under the guise of being news reporters actually attempt to change public opinion and openly campaign for a political candidate?

It is really no wonder network news broadcasts are quickly going the way of the dinosaur. And the quicker they die the better the Republic will be. The public gets its news from plenty of other sources these days, and we are much better off for it.

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