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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Biden's Hypocrisy

In a rather surprising moment of candor, Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden stated that human life begins at the moment of conception, and then added, 'That makes me a murderer.'

The attempt at humor aside, the Biden contradiction highlights the problem for those liberal politicians whose religious faith directly conflicts with public policy issues.

As for Biden, his manner of dealing with the issue is to cling to the traditional teachings of his Catholic faith while allowing others who disagree to continue practicing abortion-on-demand.

Such a manner of dealing with such an important issue concerning the nature of human life is, in a word, frightening. One could make a case, for example, in the days of slavery, that although one believes murder to be wrong, one can allow for the wholesale lynching of blacks because not everyone agrees that black people have souls.

Yes, at one time some believed that people of African descent were not fully human.

One could also make a case for the wholesale killing of nursing home patients who do nothing but lay in bed day after day, totally unaware of their surroundings. If, for example, some sociologists and liberal ethicists believe that such persons no longer meet the criteria for being 'human,' then it would be totally acceptable to kill them.

And yes, there have been numerous medical ethicists through the years who have advocated that very thing.

Yet so far, such an outlandishly ghoulish idea has never been allowed to become public policy.

The Biden philosophy seems to be that abortion is a hideous and repulsive act but if someone else does it, then it is ok for them to commit hideous and repulsive acts.

If we don't know for certain all of the ins and outs of human life, doesn't it make more sense to err on the side of life rather than to allow killing until we get more information?

It is for this reason that Biden's contention simply doesn't fly. And the fact that a man can be so flippant concerning his own personal convictions is very telling.

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