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Monday, August 18, 2008

Second Amendment News Roundup for 8/18/08

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

From Codrea's War on Guns:
*'Displaying Their Colors'--the use of billboards in gun rights advocacy.
*'And Remember, They Hate Us Because We're Free'--new plans for domestic spying by law enforcement agencies on U.S. citizens.
*'A Blessing From On High'--Nancy Pelosi has declared that Obama has been annointed by GOD to be 'our leader.' Sheesh.

Armed and Safe provides excellent commentary on a columnist who claims gun rights advocates make him 'sick to his stomach.'

A Keyboard and a .45 has appropriately named Front Sight, Press as the blog of the week. I was saddened when Syd said he was hanging it up back in April. But now he's back as strong as ever. Good!

Speaking of Syd, Front Sight, Press posts a great article by Brian Fentiman entitled, 'Guns in the Hands of Good People--A Testament to Second Amendment Rights.'

Nicki blogs about her encounter with an NRA rep at a gun show recently, particularly when the rep found out Nicki had written articles for an NRA publication.

Cap'n Bob and the Damsel give us a follow-up report on the Para Warthog that had been repaired. Over the weekend, they took the pistol out to the range for a trial, post-repair.

Gateway Pundit reports that Andrea Mitchell and NBC News made some VERY serious charges against John McCain concerning the forum at the Saddleback Church. The McCain campaign came out swinging against NBC's obvious liberal bias. It's about time!

Gateway also reports that one day after Obama told Saddleback that his record on abortion was not as bad as reported, he proceeded to admit on Sunday that his record is the most liberal in the nation on abortion...and a pro-life group has a copy of a document that proves it!

Michelle Malkin has more on the liberal media smear of McCain.

Oleg Volk is known for world-class photography. Here, he posts two photos that we could entitle, Chics and Guns. (Slightly risque).

Freedom Sight posts more good quotes on liberty.

Bear on a Bicycle has a MUST-read on the sorry state of education in America today. Read it all.

Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs reports explosive news concerning a secret jail set up for the Democratic National Convention in Denver! These liberal bozos condemn Gitmo, but they have NO PROBLEM 'detaining' protesters at their Convention in a secret facility!

American Thinker posts '10 things that are above Obama's pay grade.'

Mike McCarville announces this year's recipient of the Oklahoma Rifle Association's Mike McCarville Media Award for support of 2nd Amendment rights.

Texas Fred posts one of the reasons why I hate homeowners' associations. They tend to be elitist, commie-fascist, and petty. Just wait till you see what THIS one told a man about his pickup truck!

Breda gives us a range report on her first-time use of the Colt 1911.

Robb Allen announces that he and Joe Huffman will be guests on the Gun Nuts show tomorrow night with Squeaks and Ahab. Good!

Say Uncle has another example of how anti-gun folk are curiously violent...and extremely so!

Days of Our Trailers provides an interesting read on one of the antis, entitled, '30 More Days of Summer.'

Of Arms and the Law reports that Chicago suburbs are trying to get around Heller.

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