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Sunday, August 31, 2008

SC Dems Fowler, Spratt Laugh about Gustav, GOP

In an unguarded moment caught on video, South Carolina Democrats Don Fowler and John Spratt laughed about Hurricane Gustav occurring during the Republican National Convention, and joked that it proves, 'God is on the side of Democrats.'

Such a statement is beneath contempt, and I call on Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and the Democratic National Committee leadership to condemn the statements of the two men.

Don Fowler was the long-time Chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party. John Spratt, Democrat, is the U.S. Congressman serving South Carolina's 5rd Congressional District.

A hurricane of Gustav's magnitude hitting the Gulf Coast of the U.S. is no laughing matter. And to turn such a massive natural disaster into a political issue with which to whip the other side is simply one of the lowest things a politician can do.

As a South Carolina resident, I am very familiar with the 'work' of both Fowler and Spratt. Neither have any authority with which to make statements concerning the approval of God, since both have supported some of the most anti-American, Leftwing politicians in the history of the Republic, such as George McGovern, Michael Dukakis, John Kerry, and Barack Obama.

If Fowler and Spratt want to get theological about this, I will meet them both head-on, eyeball to eyeball. Perhaps both should remember the ancient Biblical question first posed centuries ago--'why do the ungodly prosper and the righteous suffer?'

Fowler and Spratt are an embarrassment to the state of South Carolina.


Anonymous said...

They are an embarrassment to decent humans everywhere, not just SC.

Welshman said...

Yessir, you are 100% correct!

Anonymous said...

That people like you exist to spread hate is a sign that we have a God willing to tolerate even the most marginal of people. Throwing around "anti-American" is more than irresponsible, particularly about men who laid down their lives for this country (McGovern and Dukakis). Would you and all your self-righteous pomposity really go eye ball to eyeball with anyone? I think not, for you are the classic bombthrowing hater who hides when confronted by righteous men. You should be ashamed at least as much as Fowler and Spratt whose actions I don't condone. Let's see if you're "courageous" enough to print this.

Welshman said...

'Righteous men?' McGovern and Dukakis? ROFL! What a joke.

And I see you are courageous enough to post anonymously, so your statement about me has a slight ring of hypocrisy.

And I will continue to use the term 'anti-American' to describe individuals whose political ideology is a travesty of everything the Founding Fathers held dear.

And believe me, the likes of McGovern, Dukakis, Kerry, and Obama perfectly fit the bill.

And I will stand head to head, eyeball to eyeball, and toe to toe with the likes of Fowler and Spratt any day of the week. Their views on a myriad of issues are enough to totally destroy the lies they have perpetrated on the people of South Carolina and the nation.

Anonymous said...

Did I say 'righteous men' and that's why you put it in quotes? I don't think so. An "educator/journalist" of your obvious intellect should know better than to do that.

You are an embarassment to all Americans, not just South Carolinians. Fortunately you have an audience of a few family members (maybe) and some other inbred neighbors. Maybe you're the kind of guy that your VP was talking about when he talked about cousins marrying in West Virginia?

And I'm not using my name because I'm intimidated by your hyphenated vaguely foreign sounding (oh no!)name. You are certainly qualified to pass judgment on the patriotism of all Americans by virtue of your high faluting name, that's for sure.

Welshman said...

LOL! You are nothing if not hilarious whether you mean to be or not.