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Friday, August 29, 2008

'The ONE' Emerges From His Greek Temple Throne

Emerging from his Greek Temple prop that was built by the company that provides the props for rock star Britney Spears, Barack 'the One' Obama was greeted to an ovation suitable for a rock star as scores of Hollywood elitists and other Obama-worshippers held up their hands in praise to the Almighty.

It was as if the heavens opened and suddenly there appeared not a multitude of the heavenly host, but a candidate who doesn't any more know who he is than we do.

Is he a rock star or a Greek god?

One thing is for sure, he isn't very honest as one would expect from Deity. He told more whoppers in that one speech than Bill Clinton did in his the night before.

But you see, the masses have to be led to believe that their new political god-star is traditional enough to avoid stepping on their sensitivities about, well, First Amendment rights, Second Amendment rights, the Constitution, and everything else that makes America what it is.

The true believers, however, the insiders, know the truth.

Hollywood was out in full force...all of the ultra-Left wing wackos who bash America, claim that Fidel Castro's socialistic healthcare program in Cuba is better than ours, and who weep themselves into oblivion over the death of a whale while supporting the wholesale slaughter of America's unborn children--at times even after they are born.

The extremists know that Obama is their guy. His goal is to change the very nature of America from top to bottom. And no, my friends, that is NOT a good thing if you cherish liberty, life, and prosperity.

Most of the 70,000 or so who gathered in Mile High Stadium to see the Obamessiah represent one of the greatest tragedies of the modern era. They have been duped.

We can only hope they see the light before November.

Remember, politicians who garner this kind of hero-worship rarely turn out to be positive influences, though the masses believe they are in the beginning. Adolf Hitler was elected by overwhelming majorities of adoring Germans in the early years, only to lead them step by step to disaster.

We cannot afford to allow this country to be overwhelmed by such a charlatan. NoBama--not now, not ever.

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