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Saturday, May 10, 2008

I Smell Another Liberal Hollywood Smear

A film will be released three weeks before election day in November entitled 'W'--another of Oliver Stone's supposed 'biographical' pieces about political figures, this time, George W. Bush.

Given Stone's political views and his history in political film-making, there is no reason to believe this movie will be anything other than a Bush-bash, released just before the election, in tandem with liberal efforts to claim a John McCain presidency will be simply a 3rd George Bush term.

Not only that, but the President is being played by none other than Josh Brolin, son of actor James Brolin, who, along with wife Barbra Streisand are two of the most partisan, liberal, Democratic activists in America.

This is no accident. It is to be remembered that it was James Brolin who played Ronald Reagan in a very controversial film about the former President, which was forced to be removed from the CBS lineup due to an overwhelming public outcry against the movie.

Getting known Hollywood liberal activists to play Republican Presidents is a typical Hollywood ploy. No matter how supposedly 'fair' or 'balanced' the script may be, the very fact that an extremist activist gets to interpret how the role is played automatically makes the performance skewed.

The actor is going to make sure that his/her subject comes off looking as much like a buffoon as possible.

It's not so much that I am coming to the defense of George W. Bush. I have regularly taken Bush apart on this blog for several months now, and thus, this has nothing to do with my views concerning him. Rather, my objective is to expose the Hollywood sleight of hand, as well as its hypocrisy.

The practice of Hollywood in claiming innocence in these matters, while at the same time pulling stunts that show to alert observers that the movie business is a bastion of extremist liberal activists who will stop at nothing to smear those who get in their way, is proof positive that Hollywood uses its movies as a tool to spread Leftist propaganda.


Joubert said...

Dubya may not be the perfect conservative but he's a good man. The funny thing is that movie with James Brolin who played Ronald Reagan tried really hard to smear Ronnie and Nancy but failed because they came off looking like decent loving people.

Johnmcv said...

ol olliie stone and the rest of those hollywood weasels can place their index fingers down their throats and hold em there whilst waiting for me to go to their crappe movie....