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Monday, April 28, 2008

UPDATE:Imposters Seize Liestoppers Board

As reported last evening, the Liestoppers message boards have been hacked by those intent on silencing free speech, particularly in this election year. First, the message boards were seized and shut down. And now, imposters are running the show.

The message boards are back up and running but with imposters at the helm. This travesty of liberty should not go unpunished.

Liestoppers has posted the URL and the owner of their message board management here:

Feel free to go to Invision and register a complaint about the problem.

My friends, we who blog should not allow this type of activity to go by without a concerted response. If they can do this to Liestoppers they can do it to ANY of us. And that means anyone who wishes to silence free speech, political dissent and discussion, and any other expression of liberty has the means to do so.

Solidarity on the part of bloggers, and their readers, who value truth, liberty, integrity, and justice is essential when these sorts of things happen.

We will keep you updated on the situation, or, of course, you may visit the Liestoppers blog, which has not been hacked (only their message boards have been effected).

Make no mistake, my friends, corruption in government is lethal to freedom-loving citizens.
When an entire city government, it's police department, its District Attorney's office, and the county Democratic Party are all awash in corruption so pervasive it would make one dizzy, lives are at stake.

These people will stop at nothing to further their agenda and silence any opposition. They framed three innocent young men all in an attempt to get a corrupt District Attorney elected. The lives of these young men were almost completely ruined beyond repair.

And now, with politics being at the forefront of everyone's thinking, you can rest assured that the corrupt political machine of Durham, Duke University, and the North Carolina Democratic Party is hard at work attempting to re-launch their voodoo.

This is why Duke attempted to shut down Liestoppers, and this is why the message boards at the blog were seized by imposters who purvey a message that is fraught with lies and deceit--all in the name of the very ones who sought and are seeking to put a stop to those lies and deceit.

Unless the citizens of North Carolina wake up and oust every single vestige of this rank stench of cankered corruption within the state's political system, then they deserve the derision and scornful laughter of the law-abiding citizens in the rest of the country.


Anonymous said...

It's certainly curious that this occurs in the middle of an election campaign in Durham. . .

And right after it's alleged in lawsuits that Duke Board Chairman (and current Undersecretary of the Treasury) Robert K. Steel ordered Duke police to falsify police records in order to help secure a conviction of the lacrosse defendants; (since, as alleged in the suit, convictions would be better for Duke's relations with the local community than were the charges to be dropped). Presumably he did this even though he knew the defendants were innocent.

Not that any of that has anything to do with the hack; but it is, as they say, a curious coincidence...

Welshman said...

VERY curious, indeed!