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Friday, April 04, 2008

Second Amendment News Roundup for 4/4/08

Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Breda starts us off with a post entitled, 'When You Just Can't Run Away':

Mike McCarville reports that Hillary is now saying 'there is no such thing as a pledged delegate':

JR reports on his work as a newly chosen delegate to the Texas Republican Senatorial District 10, and much of it should be of great interest to gun owners:

Now that Barack Obama has openly admitted he is against licensed concealed carry of firearms, we know he is even worse on gun rights than Hillary. Alphecca comments on the latest admission from Obama:

FreedomSight has a good read on checks and balances in government:

The War on Guns reports that the quintessential hippie-Commie from the 60s, 'Hanoi Jane' Fonda, has endorsed Barack Obama for President....from one Commie to another, apparently:

First it was Montana, and now it is Wyoming. Increasingly the western states are flexing their muscle against the Feds, particularly when it comes to the BATFE (ATF). Uncle has this good news:

68. That's the number of lies Barack Obama has told, according to critics. Dr. John Lott has a link to the list:

The Constitution is totally irrelevant to some New Jersey politicians, one of whom is Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ). Read this from Gun Law News:

There is more fallout today from the Absolut Vodka-Miller Beer support of open borders, creating a new map of the U.S. and Mexico, and new today, the new map Absolut has drawn of the Middle East--one that is MINUS Israel! Michelle Malkin has the story:

Dog lovers, get ready for a tear-jerker over at Squeaky's. Awwww, that poor baby:

Robb Allen has a link to an excellent article on college kids and guns:

David Hardy points to a 'living constitutionalist's' frustration at Heller:

The Buckeye Firearms Association reports on the latest in a series of hearings in Ohio on the Castle Doctrine:

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