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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Second Amendment News Roundup for 4/30/08

Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Gun Law News has an important alert concerning a bill that would retain NICS records for extended periods of time, compliments of our old 'friend,' Frank Lautenberg:

The Bastard and his mongrels are still at it (Mayor Bloomberg and his coalition to rob citizens of their rights). The Buckeye Firearms Association has a highly informative article about their tactics here:

Obama claims he never referred to Wright as his 'spiritual advisor or mentor.' But the Volokh Conspiracy has his statements in the media that suggest otherwise:

Ever wonder how many gunowners there are around the world? John Lott has some estimates:

David Codrea has an extremely important report from the front lines in the battle for gun rights, and this one isn't good:

Traction Control has the good news from the Department of the Interior:

Breda blogs on being a new licensee for concealed carry in Ohio:

Michelle Malkin reports that certain groups have designated May 1 (tomorrow) as the day when all workers united to support totally open borders....making it 'amnesty day':

Blogstitution questions why certain politicians and 'scientists' have any credibility at all when one delves into the details of the 'global warming' theory:

Cap'n Bob and the Damsel report that a pioneering scientist in the realm of hurricane forecasting may lose his funding because he believes certain 'scientists' are brainwashing the nation's children concerning 'global warming':

Freedom Sight blogs on Jonah Goldberg's book, 'Liberal Fascism':

Uncle has excellent news about a case in New York where the appeals court slapped Judge Jack Weinstein (a big gun-grabber) for misinterpreting the law concerning holding gun manufacturers responsible for gun crime:

Sebastian has a link to a post that tells us what, exactly, the gun-grabbers wish to ban:

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