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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Second Amendment News Roundup for 4/29/08

Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

JR has the MUST-read of the day, as he posts excerpts from the debate between the Brady Bunch and Eric Thompson on Fox News:

Alphecca reports that Toronto, Canada has banned handguns:

Armed and Safe has the story of a Socialist unleashed in Illinois:

Mike McCarville shows that a picture is worth a thousand words when it comes to how badly Rev. Wright has hurt Barack Obama:

Robb Allen has a great post on the Castle Doctrine and Self-Defense:

Just wait till you see who was behind inviting Jeremiah Wright to address the National Press Club this week! Sebastian has the scoop:

David Codrea has news from Oregon on CHL:

John Lott's latest op-ed shows how the ethanol mandates are the cause of skyrocketing food prices:

Michelle Malkin asks some piercing questions today that you have gotta see. Where did the DNC get footage from Iraq showing two of our soldiers being killed? Where do leftwing news sources get their footage of these things? People like Michael Moore, CNN, the DNC, and others always seem to get footage that nobody else could lay their hands on. Hmmmm. Malkin 'outs' them here:

Say Uncle has more about that non-existent gun show loophole:

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