Well, folks, we have some catching up to do, so here we go.....
Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:
Mike McCarville notes that conservatives in Oklahoma and elsewhere are jumping onto the Romney bandwagon:
McCarville also reports that conservatives Senator Tom Coburn and former Governor Frank Keating explain why they support John McCain:
JR at A Keyboard and a .45 passes along info on a school shooting that had a happy ending:
JR also sums up his relationship of late with the GOP...my sentiments exactly, if not worse:
Roberta X submits the Brady Gang's rating of her state regarding firearms:
Berkeley, California has told the Marines to get out of their town. All American Blogger shows why I am VERY proud of South Carolina Republican and U.S. Senator Jim DeMint. Click here to read DeMint's marvelous response to the Commies who live in and control Berkeley:
Alphecca reports on the Brady Gang's rating of the state of Vermont on firearms:
Armed and Safe says that there is a 'super dialogue' taking place tonight at 6 PM on Charter.net featuring Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton:
Blogonomicon has a vintage gun ad from 1962:
Blogstitution presents yet another reason why Democrats are bad for America:
Born Again Redneck has the latest GOP Super Tuesday poll, state by state:
Dustin's Gun Blog reminds us that girls like the shooting sports also:
Syd shows us that Barack Obama has been out on the campaign trail lying about his record on gun control and the Second Amendment:
Of Arms and the Law has an interesting post on D.C. vs. Heller and the standard of review:
Ryan Horsely at Red's says he is attending the Shot Show this weekend in Las Vegas and will be consulting with some powerful voices in the gun rights movement:
Say Uncle reports that some numbskull politicians down in Mississippi want to ban restaurants from serving 'fat people.' I kid you not:
The MUST-read of the day is by Robb Allen at Sharp as a Marble! And it is chilling yet very true:
Sebastian has a comparative analysis on how much it would cost Americans to pay for the proposals of the various candidates, Democrat and Republican:
Squeaky has some VERY appropriate comments on the idiot who suggested that cheating on taxes is a 'crime against humanity.' Read all the way to the end for the context:
The Bitch Girls present some info on the gun business, which should be of interest to us all, since eventually whatever takes place at the corporate level will trickle down to us:
Breda posts this little interesting item from Don's Guns:
You gotta see this over at Liberty Zone entitled, 'Those Evil Guns':
David Codrea at The War on Guns hits the nail on the head here:
Traction Control posts great commentary on a study which claims our military is unprepared for an attack on the U.S. homeland:
I just love these sorts of things. Tam has a pic of a gun manufacturered in 1881. Go take a look:
John Lott provides good reading on the all-too-common reactions to gun ownership from the sheeple:
Ann Coulter has been wrongly condemned for supposedly saying she 'supports' Hillary over McCain. What she said is that Hillary would be preferrable over McCain because only with Hillary in the White House and Democrats controlling the Congress will the numbskulled idiots who now run the GOP be jolted awake to the fact that they CANNOT diss the conservative principles of Reagan and get elected! I, too, am convinced this is the only way to reclaim the GOP from RINOS:
Michelle Malkin has an excellent piece on the distortion of the Reagan record by the McCain crowd:
Eugene Volokh writes about a Muslim soldier's religiously motivated refusal to be deployed to Iraq:
Gun Law News provides vital information on Senate Bill 2577, which will establish background check procedures at gun shows:
Saturday, February 02, 2008
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It's good to have you back! I hope you're feeling better. I miss you when you're gone.
Hiya, Syd!
Glad you stopped by.
Thanks for your well-wishes.
I am getting better, thank-you, although I have to say I'm not 100%...but good enough to get the blog back on the move.
And it's good to be missed.
Oh, I linked to one of your posts today....it's a good one!
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