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Monday, February 18, 2008

Second Amendment News Roundup for 2/18/08

Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Eugene Volokh has the good news and the bad news on the Second Amendment. The good news is that a Chicago scholar on Constitutional law is supporting the 'individual rights' point of view. The bad news is Barack Obama's true feelings about that very issue:

John Lott has posted links to some very interesting discussions on eliminating gun free zones on college campuses:

Lott also posted a helpful map of the various laws on carry among the various states in the U.S.:

Mike McCarville discusses Senator Tom Coburn's answer to a question about being McCain's choice for Vice President:

Born Again Redneck says that Michael Reagan, son of the former President, maintains that his father would support McCain. That is without doubt. Reagan was a major leader and candidate within the Party:

David Hardy points to this post that nails it concerning 'mass killings':

David Codrea has this MUST-read on 'home-grown terrorists,' which increasingly is a tag used to identify gun owners:

You have GOT to see this from Nicki over at The Liberty Zone on waterboarding, torture, and beheadings:

The Bitch Girls comment on a letter to the editor that shows in stark simplicity the ultimate intent of the gun-grabbers:

Sebastian comments on the media spin of concealed carry reform:


Anonymous said...

Ronald Reagan likely would support John McCain once McCain became the GOP nominee.

Unfortunately, McCain is a far cry from Reagan when it comes to believing in getting the government off our backs.

There are a lot of us out here who are working to bring Reagan's philosophy back into the GOP, and show that the Reagan Coalition is not dead.

Welshman said...

I agree with you 100% about Reagan and the Reagan coalition.

The original context of the remarks about McCain had to do with the fact that most of us had supported Fred Thompson. When that didn't work out, we all have been speculating about what to do.

Some cannot and will never vote for MCCain. One blogger believes, however, that McCain is deserving of our vote if he gets the nomination, and he stated that Reagan would do the same thing, not that McCain would be his first or second choice.

Anonymous said...

I love the Second Amendment News Roundup. It really saves me from having to read so many other blogs.


Welshman said...

Double Tapper,

Glad you enjoy the Roundup. And I'm with you, it makes things more convenient on top of the fact that it is a valuable service to the gun rights community.