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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Federal Microstamping is Upon Us

The wolves are knocking at the door once again as a bill has been introduced in Congress to mandate nationwide microstamping. Senator Ted Kennedy, one of the most ardent gun-grabbers in Congress, is a co-sponsor of the bill.

It wasn't long ago that gun rights activists were up in arms concerning such a bill that was passed by the California legislature. Howls are protests were heard from every sector of the country, and countless bloggers urged us to contract Governor Arnold Schwartzenneger to encourage him to veto the legislation.

None of it worked, and microstamping become law in California.

And now the U.S. Congress seems to be bent on passing a similar bill that will apply to the entire country in the name of 'catching criminals who use firearms.'

Most of us know in our heart of hearts, however, that this is just another attempt at infringing on a right that the Constitution says 'shall not be infringed,' not to mention yet another burden that is forced on gun owners, gun dealers, and gun manufacturers.

And we all know where this is coming from--the Brady Gang and the Left, represented by the likes of Kennedy, Kerry, Reid, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, Edwards, Rangel, McCarthy, and Dingel.

Each and every time we 'compromise' with this gang of thugs, we only get our butts kicked more violently. There is no compromise with them. Compromise only means that they are given impetus to come back with more anti-freedom and restrictive legislation that flies in the face of every liberty protected by the Constitution.

I may be a lone voice about this issue, for I haven't seen one single gun-rights blogger sound the alarm about this bill. But I am going to scream bloody murder about it until somebody pays attention.

This is a dangerous piece of tyranny that is being foisted on the public by the U.S. Congress, and it is time for us to contact our Senators and Representatives in the Congress to protest this bill.

And the time to act is NOW!

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