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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Second Amendment News Roundup for 11/21/07

Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Snow Flakes in Hell muses on the fallout from D.C. vs. Heller and the decision of the Supreme Court:

The Bitch Girls post an excellent summary of the D.C. vs. Heller case at the Supreme Court:

Breda has found yet more lies at the U.N. In fact, they need now to be called the 'Unethically Nefarious' (the 'U.N.'):

Traction Control has Fred Thompson's commentary on the D.C. gun ban, and it is a MUST-read:

Traction also has the latest news of the refusal of the federal government to enforce current immigration law:

The War on Guns reports that the anchor-babes on The Today Show have already begun their spin of Heller:

Nicki shows us that a female reporter for the NYT just couldn't keep herself from interjecting biased commentary into the news story on Heller:

Squeaky has a wonderful piece on Thanksgiving that I encourage you all to read. Congrats, Squeaky, for the progress made and the good things happening to you now:

Red's Trading Post has just about had it with Mitt Romney, and for good reason:

Mike McCarville discloses explosive information today that the University of Texas has secretly held the Timothy McVeigh files for over 10 years--files that families of victims say will show that McVeigh did NOT act alone:

I think I mentioned before that dogs have a soft spot in my heart. I get all mushy around them. Born Again Redneck has a picture today for Thanksgiving that is one of those aw-shucks types of things...just look at this precious baby:

ROFL!! Just wait till you see this from Cap'n Bob and the Damsel:

John Lott has Glenn Reynold's take on the states' reaction to a potential bad ruling by the Supreme Court on Heller:

Wow. This is getting ridiculous. Michelle Malkin reports that New Hampshire has moved up its primary to January 8:

Eugene Volokh points out that the BBC is doing its part from across the pond to demonize guns. The BBC printed blatantly erroneous information on the rate at which guns are used in assaults and robberies in the United States:


Joubert said...

You are a big softie.

I really enjoyed you Thanksgiving post.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Welshman said...

'You are a big softie.'

Don't tell anybody that. I have an image to maintain...

Thanks for your complimentary words.

And you have a great Thanksgiving!