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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Immigration Issue a Sleeper Killer for Candidates

With New York Governor Eliot Spitzer throwing in the towel on his plan to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens, it is becoming clear that The Liberty Sphere's prediction from January of this year will be actualized.

The Governor was under immense pressure from average citizens to scrap the plan. He even admitted that if such a plan were to be submitted to the legislature, it would not pass due to citizen outrage.

Even in liberal New York state, the citizens are up in arms about the immigration issue.

And this is why back in January, and several times since then, The Liberty Sphere has maintained that immigration is a 'sleeper issue' that will come back to haunt political candidates if they are perceived to endorse the present broken system, or propose a fix that amounts to amnesty.

The citizens want none of it. And anything remotely resembling amnesty, such as driver's licenses for illegal aliens and its natural consequence of massive voter fraud, will result in an uprising of the citizens at the polls regardless of their apparent silence on such things beforehand.

My friends, politicians need to learn that average citizens are not rebel-rousers nor activists. Often they will remain silent until they pull the lever in the voting booth. At times they will be so infuriated by an issue that they will issue threats and vehement protests to their elected officials, such as they have been doing on immigration.

Just ask John McCain what happened to his earlier proposals on 'immigration reform.' That one issue alone probably cost him a shot at the GOP nomination. Ask U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, R-SC, what happened among his constituents when he announced his support for McCain's amnesty plan.

And now we have Governor Eliot Spitzer to add to that list. Spitzer's latest poll numbers have bottomed out so badly that some are wondering if his political career will survive the fiasco he proposed which would have allowed illegal aliens to drive legally and vote illegally, although no one would know about the latter since Bill Clinton's no-I.D. required driver's license voter registration passed in the 1990s.

Despite what her campaign had to say today after Spitzer's announcement, Mrs. Clinton, Bill's wife, endorsed the Spitzer plan after waffling on it during the last Democratic debate. Mrs. Clinton has always supported open borders, amnesty for illegal aliens, and driver's licenses for illegals. Now she has flip-flopped yet again and claims she never supported the Spitzer plan at all.

But the woman is not stupid. She knows that a large number of votes for Democratic candidates come from illegal aliens (and the dead who somehow rise up from their graves on election day to cast a dozen or more votes a piece for Democratic candidates).

Voters in Democratic primaries tend to support these less-than-honorable schemes to get votes. But watch out for the general electorate.

The citizens are getting tired of the sleaze represented by candidates such as Mrs. Clinton. Not only is it time for massive immigration reform to deal with illegal aliens, but it is time for voting reform as well, removing from the rolls the names of people who have long since been dead but whose names are still being used by vermin to vote early and often for Democratic candidates.

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