Images courtesy of A Human Right.
Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:
Gun Owners of America issues an important alert concerning the U.S. Senate. It seems our illustrious Democrats who are in control are about to turn over to the U.N. jurisdiction over the import, export, and Atlantic transport of guns and ammunition. Time to contact your Senators and protest!:
Well, it's Halloween, and Tam wants to know what the big deal is unless you're under the age of 12:
The War on Guns has today's MUST-read. David has the list of the oath breakers in Congress who voted for H.R. 1022, and I might as well go ahead and get this out...they are bastards and bitches who have no business serving in government anywhere in the U.S.:
The Ninth Stage has an update on the Jayne Lyn Stahl-NRA controversy:
Take a look at Breda's latest 'pretty in pink' 9mm:
The Bitch Girls post a good read on the independent voter:
The Bitch Girls also present good reading on federalism:
Snow Flakes in Hell has an interesting assessment of Senator Casey of Pennsylvania, who is proving to be no friend to gun owners:
Speaking of Sen. Casey, Red's Trading Post has a letter written by Casey that is murky and contradictory concerning the Second Amendment:
Robb Allen at Sharp as a Marble has an update on his Mother, and she certainly needs our thoughts and prayers:
Oscar Poppa has this interesting read on the history of Halloween/All Hallows Eve/Samhein:
Cameron Bailey alerts us to a gun control conference in Seattle in December, hosted by the Mayor of Seattle:
Armed and Safe comments on NRA chief LaPierre's statement on the 2008 election:
Alphecca has the 'clear thinker of the day':
Mike McCarville says that apparently the new Oklahoma Law to deal with illegal aliens will go into effect, since a Tulsa judge refused to prevent it:
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