Images courtesy of A Human Right.
Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:
The Bitch Girls report that an Indiana court has ignored the law and allowed Gary, Indiana to proceed with a lawsuit against 16 gun manufacturers:
The Ninth Stage blogs about the latest source of illegal guns, and you won't believe who it is:
The War on Guns has this comment on Ireland's grappling with firearms:
Traction Control points us to a minigun show:
Well, it seems our friend Tam over at A View from the Porch needs some help with growing older. Tam, I am as clueless as you are. All I know is that although my mind has become wiser in enjoying life's pleasures, my body is becoming more obstinate. It sucks. Maybe some of you can help Tam out:
Xavier Thoughts has a great video today on self-defense in New Jersey:
Don't look now, but Snow Flakes in Hell reports that one idiot is now saying the NRA is a 'gun cult':
Sharp as a Marble comments on an idiotic website that is the typical extremist, anti-gun, global warming haven for modern-day neo-commies:
Say Uncle has Fred Thompson's latest on gun control, with commentary to follow:
Red's Trading Post says that the NRA's grassroots division is speaking out on ATF abuses:
Oscar Poppa posts part of the Chris Wallace interview with the new Governor of Louisiana, who has some good insight into the problems within the GOP:
Armed and Safe reports that some real wackos have taken it upon themselves to edit the Constitution, including some in the Brady Bunch:
Mike McCarville reports that an Oklahoman is the new Senior Advisor to Rudy Giuliani's campaign:
John Lott has the MUST-read of the day on empirical research regarding concealed carry:
Not surprisingly, news reports show the U.S. House is in total disarray, and Nancy Pelosi is under fire from her own Party. Michelle Malkin comments:
The Buckeye Firearms Association has a great read entitled, 'School Shootings, Armed Teachers, and Greatly Improved School Safety':
The Volokh Conspiracy has generated much interest in the issue of Constitutional originalism. Here is a follow-up to yesterday's post at Volokh:
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