Images courtesy of A Human Right.
Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:
Larry Elder has a significant article on school shootings (H/T to Of Arms and the Law):
Mike McCarville is reporting that Kansas Senator Sam Brownback will withdraw from the race for the GOP Presidential nomination:
McCarville also has this report on a Democratic Congressman in California who is obviously stark raving nuts:
Speaking of loonies, it seems the Philadelphia Daily News has another insane editorial on guns. Alphecca has it here:
Armed and Safe has the story of a Viet Nam vet who was subjected to an outrageous denial of his rights:
Blogonomicon comments on Texas Governor Rick Perry's endorsement of Rudy Giuliani:
Cameron Bailey says that the police union in Albany New York wants to keep the names of the officers who obtained machine guns illegally kept quiet:
Cap'n Bob and the Damsel post good reading today entitled, 'Guns, Kids, Medics, and the Left':
Oscar Poppa has the quote of the day:
Say Uncle says that half of the residents of New Jersey want to leave. What on earth for? They voted for the bums who made the state the way it is, and now they want to leave? Don't come here. You people obviously are notorious for electing liberal crooks:
Michelle Malkin has the complete story on the failure of Congressional Democrats to override Bush's veto of S-CHIP:
The Breda Fallacy has an interesting read on 'chics and guns,' including the perspective of a friend who was shocked that a Jewish Rabbi loved to shoot guns:
Sharp As A Marble has a good post today on fighting back:
The Bitch Girls post this on freshman Senator Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri. Needless to say, I am not impressed, and I hope Missouri voters are ashamed of themselves:
The Ninth Stage comments on an 'unreasonable fear':
The War on Guns shares the sentiments of a Trolley Square survivor who is calling for more gun control, in spite of the fact that his life was saved by a man with a gun:
Traction Control gives a report, via Snow Flakes In Hell, on Project Valour-IT:
Tam at View from the Porch blogs on her favorite guns:
Xavier Thoughts has the story and video of a stupid reporter who ambushed and hounded a citizen in Texas because he used his firearms to shoot some vermin:
Gun Owners of America issues an alert concerning Sen. Tom Coburn, R-OK. Coburn, who has single-handedly stopped H.R. 2640, has now gone on the offensive demanding info on the Dept. of Veteran Affairs' systematic banning of guns from the hands of our vets:
From the NRA: California Emergency Powers Bill Signed into Law:
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