Images courtesy of A Human Right.
Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:
The Volokh Conspiracy discusses a study on the political ideology of college professors:
Volokh also has an important review of Naomi Klein's latest anti-capitalist rant in the form of a book entitled, 'The Shock Doctrine':
The Buckeye Firearms Association gives good coverage to a grassroots college student movement to make Oct. 20 - 27 the 'National Collegiate Student Empty Holster Protest' to highlight the fact that students across this nation are sitting ducks to lawless sickos who shoot innocent people, simply because their universities have barred them from self-defense:
Michelle Malkin asks a very good question today: why should teachers be exempt from the 2nd amendment?:
Our favorite intellectual, Dr. Walter Williams, hits the nail on the head with his latest syndicated column entitled, 'The Betrayal of the Civil Rights Struggle':
Say Uncle points out that it's all in the name when it comes to how CNN reports on guns:
Snow Flakes in Hell blogs today on 'prohibited persons':
It seems one of the antis who writes comments on the War on Guns has her undies in a bunch:
I have never tried to hide my utter contempt for Henry Waxman. Well, now it seems the blowhard is going on a witch hunt to try to find something in the radio archives of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levine which will supposedly help him make the case for the Fairness Doctrine. Traction Control has Levine's response:
Tam at A View from the Porch points out that commies aren't cool in today's segment on 'this day in history'
The Jet Pilot has an excellent read today entitled, 'An Unexercised Right is a Right Lost':
A Keyboard and a .45 points to an example of some common sense gun legislation:
Alphecca shares a couple of noteworthy op-eds, and they are worth the time for a look!:
Armed and Safe has some important developments on the pro-second amendment counties in Illinois and the attempts of the police state in Chicago to stop them:
Cameron Bailey correctly points out that Barack Obama's latest statements on religion show that he wants a theocracy in America:
Oscar Poppa gets right to the point in 'Socialists and Criminals':
Ryan Horsley at Red's Trading Post says it's time to stand up and fight back against Bloomberg and others like him:
The Bitch Girls report that a film version will be made of Ayn Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged,' the famous book that upholds the principles of American capitalism:
The most beautiful blond on earth, Blonde Sagacity, has Hillary's latest endorsement:
From the NRA: Can Guns Stop Crime?:
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