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Friday, October 05, 2007

Second Amendment News Roundup for 10/5/07

Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

The executive leadership of Gun Owners of America has written an open letter today concerning H.R. 2640. Agree, disagree, or be undecided...nonetheless many even within the NRA membership agree with this. I hope that they didn't cross the line into an NRA-bash:

Nicki at The Liberty Zone reports that opposition to H.R. 2640 continues to mount:

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership shares a letter from a college professor on the subject of the Second Amendment:

Oscar Poppa posts an article today on standing and trigger control:

Snow Flakes in Hell blogs today on threatening the political establishment:

Say Uncle points to an example of the Second Amendment misunderstood:

Red's Trading Post has the deal on Smith & Wesson 460 and 500s:

The Ninth Stage says that all the smoking bans taking place around the country would have made Joseph Stalin proud:

Also, The Ninth Stage points to a gun control advocate who changed her mind about the issue:

The War on Guns reports that Arnold still has not signed or vetoed the microstamping bill:

Traction Control says that I.C.E. is finally putting the heat on illegal aliens:

Tamara K. at A View from the Porch blogs on the brain-eating amoeba that is claiming an increasing number of victims in the U.S.:

Mike McCarville says that Wilson Research Strategies has the latest assessment of the compilation of all the polls on the 2008 Presidential race:

Alphecca posts more on the Supreme Court and the D.C. Gun Ban:

Alphecca also reports the great news that a Castle Doctrine bill has been introduced in West Virginia:

This is off topic, but those of you who enjoy visiting or reading about unique examples of Americana may be interested in this article about a national treasure in the south that is known for its down-home flavor and 'local color':

This sounds ominous. John Lott reports that there is another BIG U.N. push toward world-wide gun control:

The Jet Pilot posts this interesting sentiment from a resident of San Francisco, who wants the U.S. out of the city. Hey, let's oblige him. Of course if they get attacked by terrorists or N.Korean nukes, they are totally on their own:

One of our female shootists over at The Breda Fallacy blogs on pink guns:

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