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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Second Amendment News Roundup for 9/4/07

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Images and graphics courtesy of A Human Right.

Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

The Bitch Girls note that there is simply no pleasing the tree-huggers, and here is an example:

The Bitch Girls also comment on the Federalist Society debate on the Parker D.C. case:

Of Arms and the Law posts VERY interesting data showing the profile of homicide victims:

Random Ramblings of a Republitarian has this gem entitled, 'NRA, Gun Guys, and Lunacy':

Cap'n Bob and the Damsel post a brief video of their visit to the shooting range over the weekend:

Mike McCarville has the New York Daily News editorial on the candidacy of Fred Thompson:

Triticale blogs on a most disturbing phenomenon that happened right here in America, reminiscent of the infamous Nazi demand to citizens in Europe, 'Show me your papers':

Alphecca says that Mayor Fenty of D.C. makes a poor case in defending his decision to appeal the Parker case to the U.S. Supreme Court:

Alphecca also points out the complete fallacy of the argument of a Canadian writer who claims that Canada's system of checking the mental health stability of gun buyers is superior to that of the U.S.:

Blogonomicon says that Concealed Carry Magazine has a great interview that makes for good reading:

Say Uncle points to commentary on the so-called 'gun culture':

Snow Flakes in Hell has an example of blatant political pandering to religious folk on the part of Democratic Presidential candidate Bill Richardson (and you won't believe what Richardson actually said):

The War on Guns has the latest update on the political aspirations of Ryan Horsley, as well as the latest developments in Idaho concerning the Senate seat of Larry Craig:

John Lott reports that gun crime in the U.K. is soaring. Gee, I thought that wasn't supposed to happen when a society bans guns:

The Volokh Conspiracy reviews a great new book on global warming entitled, 'Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global Warming':

Volokh also has updated information on the D.C. government's petition to the U.S. Supreme Court concerning the Second Amendment and the D.C. gun ban:

The Captain's Quarters has the latest on the Hillary Clinton-fundraising scandal that just keeps getting deeper by the day, although you would never know it if you listen to the mainstream media:

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