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Monday, September 03, 2007

Second Amendment News Roundup for 9/3/07

Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

So, you think Alberto Gonzalez was bad as an Attorney-General? I would not disagree with that assessment, but when compared to Janet Reno, the man was the best. Ann Coulter reminds us of the sheer terror perpetrated on the electorate by the most aggressive, rogue Attorney-General in U.S. history--the Clintons' favorite girl, Janet Reno (hat tip to Traction Control):

Traction Control posts the news on a judge who blocked stricter penalties for hiring illegal aliens (and by the way, the U.S. Code states that the aiding and abetting of illegal aliens is a felony--but apparently not in THIS judge's courtroom):

The Volokh Conspiracy points out that in a recent story in the New York Times entitled, 'Why Is Cuba So Poor?,' never once did the article mention that Communism, Socialism, or Collectivism are in any way responsible for the nation's plight:

John Lott reports that the Northern Iowa University faculty senate voted against allowing campus police to carry guns:

Xavier Thoughts blogs today about an unusual revolver, but it is a beauty:

Xavier also has some neat examples of pre-Depression-era Smith & Wesson military and police revolvers:

The War on Guns has an intriguing article on how the FBI may have scared Caucasians into supporting gun control by using 'the race card':

Bitter over at The Bitch Girls shares her opinion on the resignation of Senator Larry Craig, which she thinks is lamentable. I agree:

A Keyboard and a .45 has some great news for one of our favorite Congressmen of all time, Republican Presidential candidate Duncan Hunter of California. Hunter won a big one by walking away with the Texas straw poll. We are gratified to see the Congressman win one:

Alphecca says that London is playing host to an arms fair, which has the police in a dither, deploying 4000 officers to monitor the thing:

Snow Flakes in Hell points to an interesting item in the news concerning suicide prevention and the work of law enforcement:

Say Uncle posts this item entitled, 'Big Schtick':

Front Sight, Press points to a MUST-read penned by Triticale entitled, 'Gun Control Victims':

Cameron Bailey says that the revelations continue to unfold about the HUGE fundraising scandal that implicates Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Barbara Boxer, and about a dozen other top Democrats:

Blogonomicon posts a great cartoon editorial that you absolutely must see:

Mike McCarville says that it may be way too early to count out former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee in his bid for the GOP Presidential nomination. McCarville says that a S.C. insider has evidence that Huckabee is a rising star in the GOP:

Pamela Geller over at Atlas Shrugs never minces words when it comes to the failure of the modern Democratic Party to support American ideals, freedom, and nation of Israel. Read her latest timely expose on some sickening rhetoric by the Democratic leadership:

In case you haven't seen it yet, Mr. Completely has this latest update on the Gun Bloggers Rendezvous in Reno, Nevada in October (plan to attend if you can):


Anonymous said...

The most important thing is that the story get out, but I would like to point out that the report on Gun Control Victims originated with me, as Front Sight Press noted at the bottom of their reposting of it.

Welshman said...

Sorry, Triticale. I meant to say that Front Sight, Press pointed to a story on Gun Control Victims, which I failed to do.

Since this post was so good, I will be reading your site for other articles suitable for the news roundup.

Anonymous said...

Martyn, I'm curious about what I said that makes you presume I hold the Democrats to be blameless? I ignored the assumption in your own post, but since you brought it to my blog comments, I now want an answer.

Did you read the full post? There's a full context there that I believe you have failed to note. I was talking about Republican treatment of Craig, and therefore it was only relevant to highlight Republican failings.

Next time I do a post that involves the hypocrisy of Democrats, I'll include their failings.

Welshman said...


I was expressing my impressions of your post, the tone of which was set in the first few sentences, i.e., that you question if you could associate with the Republican Party ever again.

That seemed to me to be an awfully harsh reaction to something that pales in comparison to the corruption of the Democrats.

If you don't want me to offer feedback in the comment section of your blog, I will stop doing it. But if you do wish for me to offer such feedback, I can only do so honestly, and your post struck me in the manner I have already described.

The Craig thing is serving to bury stories that highlight the scandal of the Dems, all of which are gravely serious and with broad implications for the future of our nation.

I simply do not like the fact that whoever, whatever, is using this Craig thing to overshadow the real dangers facing the Republic.

And to the degree that we writers go along with it, we are helping them bury the stories about those dangers.

My comments are not personal and are not meant to be antagonistic. I have stated my positive opinion about your blog many times.

In addition, I did not see my comments as 'bringing anything over to your blog.' You do allow comments as I do.

But as I said, I won't comment again if this is not acceptable.

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying you can't comment, I just said that I'm really dying to know how Democrats factor into the discussion at all. I think I have a right to find out where you're reading this in my blog when you've made the comment twice now. That's why I mentioned it.

Again, you seem to miss the point that I was calling the GOP out for their hypocrisy. I've mocked Dems before when the play the same games. In fact, you seem to be ignoring that I did mention Jefferson in the post.

I'm just so tired of it in the party I've supported before that I don't see ever being a member of that party again. Where did I claim anything about Democrats being an alternative?

I think the problem is that you're restricted in your own views of looking at two choices - Republicans or Democrats. I think of politics beyond that and don't even believe in belonging to parties at this point. I don't like having that same set of assumptions you bring to the discussion thrust upon me.

Welshman said...


I can hear that and accept it. After all, I don't belong to any Party either. It just gripes me to no end that right now all we hear and read is the corruption of Republicans.

Sorry to take my frustration with the situation out on you.