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Sunday, June 17, 2007

U.S. Journalists Threatened Under FOREIGN Law!

Saluda, NC (TLS). A dangerous prospect looms over American journalists as increasingly they are made vulnerable to limitations on freedom of speech under FOREIGN law!

My friends, our liberties are under attack as never before in the history of this nation. With the Google and Yahoo turncoats cooperating with Chinese Communists to prosecute citizens over Chinese speech violations, and now with lawsuits threatening to undermine the freedom of speech and freedom of the press of AMERICAN journalists who operate under U.S. law, we find ourselves bombarded on all sides.

Some of our biggest enemies in the process of those you would think would be on OUR side. Yet they entered into faustian deals to squelch liberty in the name of 'being a friendly neighbor' to tyrannical governments.

This has the potential to undermine every single liberty for which our forefathers fought and died.

Read the full story here:

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