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Monday, June 18, 2007

'Sanctuary Cities' Lose Federal Funds!

Washington, DC (TLS). In a move that was long overdue, Congress approved an amendment offered by Representative Tom Tancredo (R-Colorado) that will effectively bar any federal funding for emergency services from going to so-called 'sanctuary cities' that aid and abet illegal aliens.

Tancredo is also a Republican Presidential candidate.

Apparently, Congress has heard the ire of the voters, for even 60 Democrats joined Republicans in supporting the funding ban.

Add a mark in the 'win' column for Tom Tancredo!

Perhaps now we can also start a move to tell San Francisco that if it continues to snub the U.S. Military, the city is entirely on its own if it is attacked by a terrorist or a bomb from North Korea. San Francisco should not be afforded the protection of the U.S. military if it is intent on treating our armed forces like they are dripping with evil.

Read the entire story concerning Tancredo's amendment here:

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