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Thursday, June 14, 2007


Washington, DC (TLS). The U.S. Agriculture Department reported today that Americans should brace themselves for a massive case of sticker-shock by the end of the summer...not at the new-car lot but at the grocery store.

Prices for common, everyday food staples such as meat, milk, cheese, corn and other veggies, will increase by 50 to 65 percent by September.

On balance, the average American family will pay at least 100 bucks per month more for groceries this September than they did last September.

What, exactly, is driving this numbing price hike? Ethanol production.

Corn is the main ingredient in ethanol and hundreds of other products, including the feed given to cows. Hence, the price hike in meat, milk, and cheese.

Because farmers are increasingly using farmland to grow corn for the FUEL industry as opposed to the FOOD industry, the law of supply and demand will result in a smaller supply of corn for food and an increasing demand for the food items that depend on corn, thus driving food prices through the roof.

We can thank the Einsteins in the 'environmentalist movement' for the coming train wreck at the grocery store.

For years the 'man-is-to-blame-for-global-warming' crowd and their comrades in the 'renewable bio-fuels' movement have been feeding to the public the notion that oil is evil and that ethanol is the answer to our energy needs.

We will now suffer the consequences of that notion as we pay out the wazoo for food...all because the corn is going to make fuel.

I have never had a problem with developing alternative sources of energy, weaning ourselves off of our dependence on foreign oil. But it is just as bad an idea to depend solely on ethanol and other agri-fuels as it is to depend solely on oil.

We need to begin developing and utilizing nuclear energy to the max, since we have discovered ways to make it safe. It is the cleanest fuel available. Fuel cell technology is another way to go, as are solar and wind power.

As for now, when you are shocked at how food prices suddenly skyrocket in about three months, remember that this is what we get for listening to the loons in the environmentalist movement.

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