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Monday, May 21, 2007

Utah Targets Gun Dealers in Salt Lake Massacre by Bosnian Muslim

Salt Lake City, UT (TLS). The Associated Press is reporting that law enforcement officials in Utah have made some arrests in the case of the Salt Lake Trolley Mall Massacre, which was perpetrated by a Muslim immigrant by the name of Sulejman Talovic.

This time, however, the target is not accomplices in the crime but gun and ammo dealers who sold Talovic the goods.

The action by Utah law enforcement is simply another outgrowth of the mindset that holds gun dealers liable for what patrons do once they purchase the weapons. It is an intimidation tactic of the anti-gun bigots.

In like manner, gun owners are often targeted by law enforcement when their guns are stolen and then used in crimes by criminals. The serial numbers are traced back to the owners, who are then charged as accomplices to the crimes, although they had absolutely nothing to do with them.

This is what I call gun control by 'the backdoor method.' Intimidate gun owners and dealers by these kinds of underhanded, wacko tactics in an attempt to get people to think twice about either selling or owning a gun.

The mindset that leads to this kind of lunacy is epitomized by those politicians who would hold legally liable gun manufacturers for the crimes committed by criminals.

And by the way, if we are going down this trail, we had better start hauling bar tenders off to jail for selling alcohol to a person who then drives and kills someone on the road. Why not make Ford, GM, and Chrysler legally liable for the thousands of highway deaths this year! After all, they made the cars that caused the mayhem. And let's not forget to haul to the slammer those murderous car dealers who SELL those instruments of death!

Give me a freakin' break.

Read the full AP story here: