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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Who Taught Cho to Hate?

Washington, DC (TLS). From all accounts, Cho Seung Hui was reared in a fine Christian family from South Korea. His parents came to America and made something of themselves, building a dry cleaning business from the ground up as true American entrepreneurs.

Yet their son picked up some notions along the way that placed him directly at odds with the values his parents attempted to instill in him.

One writer suggests that it was Virginia Tech itself that shares part of the blame. With modern academia's emphasis on 'diversity,' 'multi-culturalism,' 'openness with no boundaries,' and an aversion to traditional values and religion, there is no doubt Cho was introduced to a sub-culture in America in which our country is denigrated, American capitalism is condemned, the rich are vilified as 'oppressors,' and religious values are mocked.

Read James Lewis' explosive commentary here at American Thinker:

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