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Thursday, March 22, 2007

How To Pressure Colleges to Change

Atlanta, GA (TLS). The shocking story of the Georgia Tech student who is the recipient of death and rape threats because of her involvement with conservative campus groups has raised the question, what can the average American do about it?

Donors to colleges and universities are often unaware of the blatant anti-American propaganda that is disseminated on a daily basis by faculties and administrations across the country, nor of the intimidation students receive for their opposition to these atrocities.

If most donors knew the real truth, they would be up in arms.

And this is the preferred method of attack. Get the truth to the donors. The donors will then refuse to give money. Money talks. In spite of the Leftist, anti-capitalist blather one hears on most college campuses these days, the campuses cannot survive without that capital that capitalism provides. And administrators know it.

Let one multi-million-dollar donor to a university find out that his Alma Mater is teaching students that capitalism is evil, and that university may find itself several million dollars in the hole next year.

This is precisely the thing that happened to the College of William and Mary in the dispute over the removal of the Wren Cross from the chapel by college President Gene Nichol.

A major donor withheld his donations. Never had anyone seen Nichol move so fast to get the Cross back into the chapel.

Our favorite intellectual, Dr. Walter Williams, has the complete story here:

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